TITLE: All Paths Lead To The Truth AUTHOR: Suja suja@globalnet.co.uk SPOILERS: I Will Remember You - in a BIG way. Hero i guess for Time Line 1, Somnambulist (Penn). SUMMARY: What would happen if Angel stayed human? Two parallel time lines. Okay, this is confusing. T1 - B/A, B/R, C/D, C/X. T2 - B/A, C/D , W/O is constant I guess. Hmm. I can't be bothered with Spike, and Anya. Too complex. I'll get confused. There's stuff for all lists here! C/X for LWDS, and something special in part 2 for the BA_Fluff list!! :) AUTHOR'S NOTES: Time Line 1 sticks fairly close to the events in ANGEL (up to Somnambulist - except Kate doesn't find out, and Angel beats up Penn, and he[Penn] splits town.) Time Line 2 breaks off completely after I Will Remember You. DEDICATION: Rodelyn, JenBird and Jessi (from BTVS_AngelConnection) Your feedback is inspirational. Stephen (kept me writing long fic!), Cat, Omega.
***Time line 1 ~~~ Time line 2. Oh, and just an additional note. I'm switching ISP'S soon, so if any of you guys has my fic up at a site, could you maybe let me know (suja@globalnet.co.uk) before April 3rd?? And if anyone wants to let me know after that, use sujaraviraj@yahoo.com cos I'll most likely check that account too.
"At least I can kiss goodbye the mind-numbing, bone crunching visions." Doyle provoked the Powers that Be. And...
*** as if to prove him wrong, he slammed his hand to his forehead, face screwed up in pain. "What do you see?" Cordelia asked. "We got trouble". Doyle's answer was short, and to the point.
Doyle already had his hand half-way to his head when he realised, this was no vision, but his teeth were hurting from drinking the cold alcohol too quickly. Cordelia and him ended up spending the afternoon, and the rest of the evening, chatting in the bar, leaving the lovers to themselves.
*** Nothing had persuaded Angel to wake Buffy. And as he lay in her arms as she comforted him, on the floor of the salt factory, he reached an inevitable conclusion. He was no use to Buffy like this...he could barely protect himself, let alone help her. He resolved to go to the Oracles and ask for help.
~~~ After waking up in the late evening, Buffy and Angel finally dressed, and made their way upstairs, to where Cordelia and Doyle were lounging in the office. Just as they got up their, the Mohra demon Angel thought he had killed burst back into the office. Cordelia screamed, and Doyle stood between her and the Mohra. Without a second thought, Angel flung the vase on the table towards the Mohra's head. It smashed the jewel, and the demon dissolved into a puddle, and finally disappeared.
"Oh, so thats how you kill it." Buffy, matter of factly ,stated. Angel smiled, and sat down on his leather chair, pulling Buffy on to his knee. Cordelia gave him a disgusted stare, and shouted to Doyle. "Hey, Irishman, come on. Lets go back to my apartment, I'm sick of the gooey factor between Angel and Buffy." And with that, the two of them left Buffy and Angel.
*** He was standing, looking at her, and suddenly she was in his arms. She asked how much longer, he told her a minute, and she protested, it wasn't long enough. He told her he was the only one who would know what could have been, and she cried. "I'll never forget, I'll never forget, I'll never forget,I'llneverforget" She repeated it like a mantra, and he enclosed her in his arms. "Please, please", and as he finally gave way to his sobs, there was a flash, and Angel was standing where he'd stood the day before, just before the Mohra attacked him. "So I'll go, start forgetting." And she left, no wiser of the day she had spent with him.
~~~ After spending the rest of the weekend together, it was time for Buffy to return to Sunnydale. They'd already decided that they'd stay like this, long distance, seeing each other every weekend. Angel still had to tie up Angel Investigations, and set up a company in Sunnydale. Cordelia and Doyle had already committed themselves to returning with him, Cordelia slightly unhappy that she'd have to return to Sunnydale, and give up her apartment, but coming back nonetheless. As Buffy stepped out of the car, she kissed him, a sweet happy goodbye kiss. "I'll never forget this Angel. As long as I live. I love you" "I love you too" Buffy smiled, and ran over to her bus, which was starting to load up.
4 months later
~~~ Angel was still in LA, tying up AI was taking a lot longer than he had thought. He hadn't actually realised just how many people in LA relied on AI investigations, and he'd realised that he couldn't just up and leave. However, he didn't mind, because he saw Buffy so often it was like he was living in Sunnydale. Every Friday, at 2pm, he'd either leave the office and head down to Sunnydale, or she'd come up here to LA. Even Xander had accepted the two of them as a couple, and they'd made plans to marry as soon as Buffy finished college. Now that Angel was human, Joyce had no qualms accepting him as Buffy's fiance'. He was intelligent, loved Buffy for who she was, and he could give her a good life. The ideal husband really. She was just happy that Buffy was happy. Angel sighed. This was bliss. He was truely happy, and being human, had helped absolve him of the guilt he used to face. He left everything, including the Broody-Boy mannerisms behind him, and thanked the Powers That Be, everyday for this transformation. He was just heading out the door, when Doyle suddenly scrunched his face up in pain, and fell to the floor, clutching his head. He still had visions, although now they tended to be a lot less often. Angel could still help all those people, because he had knowledge of what went on, what the world was really like. He was still a martial arts expert - no one can just forget two and a half centuries worth of fighting.
"What did you see?" "Pen, paper, single malt whiskey." Angel handed him everything he asked for. Doyle just looked at him, and said, "Buffy's in danger."
And after making sure Doyle was okay, Angel ran out of the door, and sped all the way to Sunnydale.
*** Cordelia clutched her hand to her face, and screeched in agony. Angel got a pen and paper. This was the way it was now. They were in tune, two people existing together. And they were friends. But neither was really happy. Cordelia missed Doyle, and Angel was being consumed by memories of the forgotten day. Both were haunted by Doyle's death, and even though Wesley was a part of their "family" now, things just weren't the same without the little Irish man. A few cases ago, Angel had had, a rather unpleasant family re-union with a Childe of his. Penn. However, like with Spike, Penn had split town, knowing when he was beaten. "What did you see?" "It's Buffy. She's in danger." Angel was lucky, the sun was just setting. He and Cordelia got into his car, and sped to Sunnydale.
~~~ After Angel had arrived in Sunnydale this time, Buffy had realised something had been wrong. She asked him, and all he said was that he had to speak to Giles first. After speaking to Giles, and Giles informing him that Buffy was now an adult, and this wasn't like the time the Master killed her at 16, the three of them, Buffy, Angel and Giles, decided that the best idea would be for Angel, Buffy and himself all to patrol together. As long as Angel could be there, he was happy. The rest of the Scooby Gang dropped in, and finally succeeding in prying Buffy and Angel apart, Willow and Anya dragged Buffy up to the Sunnydale Mall, and Oz and Xander persuaded Angel to join them. The three had become fairly close, and Oz and Xander had been instrumental in forcing the girls to take Buffy shopping, knowing fine well something was up with Angel. They made plans to meet at 3pm, knowing that Buffy and Angel had so precious time together at the weekend, that it wasn't fair of them to monopolise it. Angel finally confessed to the two of them what was up, and added, that on top of Doyle's vision, Angel himself had, well, an unsettling feeling about the whole deal. He shrugged it off though, and upon meeting with Buffy at 3pm, picked her up, and swung her over to mansion, intent on having his own way with her. She gigles as they left. The rest of them agreed, they'd never seen the Slayer so happy, and Angel so, guiltless, for lack of a better word.
*** Buffy had spent a rather, nice, evening with Riley. She really did like him, but that was it. She couldn't visualise herself falling in love with him. She could love him, but not really *love* him. That part of her heart was reserved for Angel, and since he'd left, well she'd closed it off, stopped feeling so deeply. Bottled her emotions up, you could say. They were no longer assets to her, especially when fighting, because her feelings had become too intense. For a rogue slayer, she was becoming awfully, by-the-book. She kissed him goodnight, outside Giles' house, and went in. She gasped in shock.
For she saw someone she hadn't expected. Angel.
"Wait, let me guess. Your friend had a vision, all doom and gloom, and *you* thought, hey, lets go mess up Buffy's life?!" The comment just slipped out of her mouth, and she really didn't mean it. Especially when she saw the stricken look on his face. She thought something was off, and then she saw Cordelia. Hmm. Time to consider that one later. "Cordelia had a vision. Doyle's dead." The words were quiet, and both Angel and Cordy's faces were somber. Buffy's hand was at her mouth. "I'm sorry." She was meaning her comment about the doom and gloom vision. Giles filled her in on what was happening, and it was decided Angel would accompany Buffy on her patrol. Buffy was secretly glad, it would give them a chance to talk.
~~~*** (both timelines)
Sunnydale was hectic tonight, more vampires than ever. Buffy and Angel fought, completely in sync. They were finally at odds they liked, 2:3. Angel staked a vampire, and turned round to see where Buffy was. In a compromising situation to say the least. Vamp 1 had rope around her neck and was throwing her about. Angel looked for Vamp 2, and suddenly caught sight of the gun. It was poised at Buffy. The Vamp unclicked the safety catch, and suddenly everything seemed to go in slow motion. Angel heard the click of the trigger, and regardless of anything, flung his body between the gun, and Buffy, shielding her from the bullet. It caught him in the chest, and he slumped to the ground.
Vamp 2 started running after firing what he thought was the kill-shot, knowing that Angelus wrath at the Slayer's death would be enough to ensure his new status as dust within the next 20 odd seconds. The first vampire, released his hold on Buffy just as the bullet had been headed for her, and Buffy had taken advantage and staked him. Angel sat up, groaning. "I hate being shot." He winced, and pulled the slug out of his chest.
~~~ Buffy's fury at seeing her lover shot made sure the vampire holding her was dust withing seconds, and the one who'd fired the shot was running for his life. She ran towards Angel, and fell to her knees beside his prone body. His eyes were closed, and for a minute she thought he was gone. She pressed her finger to his neck, and there was a thready pulse. Thanking her mother for the cell-phone she'd gotten as a present, she called 911, and the ambulance was on its way within seconds. She pressed her hand against the bullet hole, hoping to somehow stem the blood. Reaching her hand under his back, she felt for the exit wound. It was there. She could feel the blood, could see it soaking into his duster. She pressed harder on the front, and prayed for him to be okay. She kissed his head. "Come on. I only just got you back. You can't leave me. I can't do this alone. I love you. Angel." Her voice was raw with unshed tears, and as she said his name, it broke, allowing floods of tears to escape. In some small part of her soul, she knew it was too late. As if to prove her wrong he opened his eyes, his face revealing the amount of pain she knew he had to be in. "I love you Buffy" "Angel, hold on. For me, please." "I'm trying." "I told you before. You're the one freaky thing in my freaky life that makes sense. I can't do this without you. I've tried Angel, before you were human." His eyes closed, and momentarily she thought he was gone. He opened them again. "I don't want to go." His eyes were fixed at a spot above her head. He closed his eyes, mercifully, still breathing, and Buffy let the tears fall, mingling with the blood on his chest. The ambulance pulled up beside him, and suddenly there were paramedics everywhere. There was a lot of equipment, and so much blood. "Ma'am. Excuse me please" "He's alive...right? He's still alive????" Buffy's anguished cries were plainly heard by Giles, who had stopped to get more stakes out of the masoleum and who had run towards the gun-shot, after hearing it initally. He saw the action, and his tiny blonde slayer, plainly crying, and thought the worst. He ran toward her, and embraced her in his arms. Buffy turned in crying, and the paramedic told Giles "He's alive, just. We're taking him to Sunnydale General." Buffy got into the ambulance, and Giles ran home, towards his Citroen, picking up Willow, Oz and Xander on the way.
Angel and Cordelia were leaving Sunnydale. Cordelia hugged Willow, Oz, Buffy and finally Xander. The two of them had finally patched it up, and had resolved to keep in touch, having spent most of the weekend in Xander's basement. Willow and Oz smiled, Oz shaking Angel's hand and Willow giving him a quick peck on the cheek. It just left Buffy to say goodbye to Angel. The two had finally had their long talk over the weekend, and it was time for Angel to leave. They'd finally acknowledged, that they could eventually be together again, but only once they'd both grown a little as people, and as soon as a way could be found for Angel to keep his soul. She impulsively gave him what started as a quick hug, and just held him, whispering in his ear.
"Thank you. I'll always love you, it's just not our time yet."
He gave her that half smile that he was reknowned for, and left.
~~~ CCU Waiting Room Sunnydale General
The four teeneagers, and Giles sat in the waiting room. Doyle and Cordelia had been called, to inform them of Angel's accident. They were making their way up as soon as possible. The doctor came out, a grim look on his face. Buffy already knew what he was going to tell her.
"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for him. You can go in to say goodbye."
They all entered the room, and quickly said their goodbyes, Willow openly crying, Xander rubbing his eyes, and Oz had an expression of dismay on his face. Giles took his hand, and said his own goodbye. The four of them left abrupty, leaving Buffy in the room by herself. She sat down beside Angel's lifeless body, and looked at all the machinery. There was no pulse, no heartbeating in his chest. No breath leaving his lips. All things Buffy was used to, before he became human. She took his cold, lifeless hands in her own, and rubbed them, as if to will him back to life. It was then and there she realised she was alone. Forever. The sobs erupted from her body, and she kissed his forehead. His face looked peaceful, forever in that half smile he used to give her. "Thank you. For loving me. I'll always love you. It's just not our time." She looked at him one last time, and brushing her own lips across his, she closed her eyes, and untwined her hands from his dead ones. She walked, composedly, out of the room that housed the body of her Angel, but no longer held his soul, and broke down again in the waiting room.
*** About 4 months (after Angel leaving) This new vampire, he had realised what mattered to her right away. It attacked Giles, and Willow first, but she'd managed to get them away. But last night, he, Penn, had attacked Riley. And she hadn't been able to save him. He was gone. She felt guilty, part of her wondered if she hadn't tried hard enough, if it had been too easy to let him go. She had loved him, but she'd never been *in love* with him, like he was with her. The past few months had been fun, she guessed, but not she'd never really felt happy, or complete. Never really felt like she was whole, like she did with Angel. She felt a deep sense of regret at not being able to save Riley, and a sense of loss. It had been a horrible way for him to die, a cross carved into his cheek, and a brutal stabbing.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realise Penn was there until he'd scratched the first line of the cross into her cheek. She punched him, and he flew back. He lunged for her again, and succeeding in scratching the horizontal line of the cross on her face. "None of my victims survive once they've been marked." He smirked at her, and it reminded her eerily of Angelus. They fought, but she was off her game. Not up at her full potential. He surprised her with a knife, stabbing her much like she'd stabbed Faith. He knifed her again, but not before she drove the stake into his heart.
She clutched her hand to her stomach, and dragged herself to Giles' apartment, where she knew everyone was, and which was the closest to her. She slumped against the door, knocking before passing out one last time. They opened the door, and found her laying there. It was nearly the end. Cradled in Xander's arms, she died, without mentioning another word.
Willow called Cordelia, tears openly streaming down her face. She told her of the news, and Cordelia, knowing if she didn't give Angel the phone and let Willow tell him of Buffy's death, she would have to. Face white, she slid to the ground, passing him the phone as she went. He fell to his knees, sobs erupting from his body, as he cried for the loss of his sunlight, of his one true love. He cried for the life cut short, for the love they'd shared, for himself, and for the world, losing it's protector. They knew who it was, moments after Buffy had left for that final patrol, Giles had phoned him for information and thats when he told them about Penn. So Angel blamed not only Penn, but himself for being responsible for creating the very thing that destroyed the beautiful slayer who meant the most to him. Cordelia enveloped him in her arms, and shared his pain. She had lost a protector, and also someone who had come to be a friend. She took the phone out of his hands, and made plans with Willow, to come to Sunnydale as soon as possible.
Buffy walked home through the cemetery. She had finished patrol, and walked over to a place she had visited every night without fail for the last four months.
"Angel O'Connor" BELOVED.
Even after four months, seeing those final words upon the gravestone, penetrated Buffy's soul, and the tears sprang to her eyes. She sat beside the grave, and cried. The four months he'd been human, she'd never been so complete, so happy, in all her life. Suddenly, a hand pulled her up.
" So sad. So poignant."
"Penn." The slayer was instantly on her feet. Angel had died, heroically saving her life, but only that day he'd told her about Penn. Besides Dru, Penn was his worst mistake. Mimicking Angelus in every way, and almost as cruel, he had hoped she wouldn't come up against him. Ironically, as soon as Angel's death was made public, Penn had took it upon himself to torment Buffy. And his methods were so similar to Angelus'. Luckily for Buffy, and unluckily for Penn, Buffy could and would easily stake him. She just hadn't had the opportunity yet.
They circled each other.
"Are we just gonna stand here and talk??" Penn lunged for her. They brawled in the cemetery, Buffy taking great care to move the fight clear of Angel's final resting place. Penn got a quick punch in, knocking Buffy to the ground. He stabbed her in the stomach, and as he went to knife her again, she lunged, staking him straight through the heart. Just as he dissolved into dust, he pushed the knife into her chest. She cried out, and seeing the blood spurting out of her, knew she wasn't going to make it. She moved across to Angel's grave and lay on the ground beside it. She hadn't seen this much blood...since...since Angel... She closed her eyes, that final time.
*** After Buffy's Funeral
They stood round the grave, Angel, a figure cloaked in darkness, physically and emotionally. Cordy and Xander hanging on to each other, Willow sobbing at the loss of her best friend. Oz had an expression of dismay on his face, and Giles stood, remembering the last time he'd felt a loss so keenly. Last time he'd buried someone he'd loved, Jenny, it had been hard, but he got through it, with some help, especially from the blonde slayer. Now, it was too hard to even think about. Even Spike had turned up. Willow knew, deep inside, that Buffy had not been happy for the last year of her life. Without Angel, Buffy had been half a soul, and Willow wished, if she'd known how short a life Buffy would have, she'd tried a little harder to persuade Angel to stay, after he'd taken that bullet for her. Maybe Buffy wouldn't have lived any longer, but maybe she wouldn't have been so sad.
~~~ After Buffy's Funeral
The ceremony had been hours ago. Giles, Willow, Oz, Xander, Cordelia, Doyle, Anya and Spike had all left. There was a breeze through headstones, and in another time, another dimension, an Angel welcomed his love into the light.
And, so, the choices of one man, have one outcome. The Warrior asked us what would become of the slayer if he remained human. We told him. He didn't ask us what would become of the slayer, should he remain a vampire. All choices lead to the same conclusion. All paths lead to the truth.