Ice Princess


On My Way | Kiss,Kiss | Hands Held | Identical Opposites | Lucky | I Cry | No Frills

Series: Runaway, Run
Title: Kiss Kiss
Author: Ice Princess (
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine, but they aren't mentioned by
name, so that should be okay.
Timeline: Undefined.
AN: I couldn't sleep. So I wrote these. It only took about 15 minutes all
up. Their not supposed to be award winning pieces of poetry, mind you. Up
to a certain degree, you could even say that they're a bit like
sillyfics...only, a sillypoem. I guess.
Feedback: Yes please!!

Kiss Kiss

A slam of the door,
A clanging of keys
Two hours later
In Los Angeles

A heave of her breath,
A longing in her heart
She's so close
To falling apart

The door's so close,
But so very far
She could almost crumble
Right there on the tar

She opens the door,
And catches her breath,
When she sees something
Worse than her death

Her love and her enemy,
Locked at the lip
The sight so horrendous,
It made her heart rip

In two-as they had become
So far apart,
She thought,
As she took her head start

He chases her down,
And finally realised,
That he wasn't the only one
Who, at night, still cried.