Jennifer A


Possession | Obsession | Thoughts of Perfection | There's Only One | Waiting For Someday | Can't Feel A Thing | A Strange Vistor
There's Only One

There's Only One
By: Jen:)
Disclaimer:  Joss owns everything!!!!
Timeline: Starts right after the end of "The Yoko Factor"
Spoilers: Major ones for "The Wish" and general past of both shows
Synopsis: Wolfram and Hart try to take Angel's soul away by bringing
Wishverse Buffy to LA.  But will Angel figure out the differences before he
loses his soul???
Distribution:  You want my story???  Really???  Are you serious???  Okay
then you can take it!!  Just let me know where it's going.
Author's Note: Okay, this fic happens at the end of TYF.  The storyline will
veer off from that, so the events that follow will not be same as what
happened in the shows.  Buffy will still have to deal with Adam, but it will
go a little differently.  As for Angel, the storyline will be far more
different than it occurred in the show.  Did that make sense?!!
Feedback:  PLEASE!!!  Good or bad, I want to know what you think!!
Rating: PG-13 to R   There will be at least one NC-17 part, but it will be
clearly marked.

* * *
As he walked away from Stevenson Hall, Angel hung his head in defeat.  He
never thought it could be so hard.  All he ever wanted was to see Buffy
happy.  To give her the kind of happiness he only received once in his long
life.  However, the task of sitting back and watching it happen, with
someone else no less, was so much more painful than he could have ever
imagined.  Just knowing that that corn-fed boy from Iowa was allowed to be
with her in all the ways that he couldn't made his blood boil with rage and
made his heart break into a million pieces.  She was all he had ever longed
for and dreamed about, and yet she was the one thing he could never have. 
So, as the souled vampire got into his car and started the engine, Angel
leaned his head against the steering wheel and cried.

* * *
Buffy sat in her room that night, unsure of what the future held for her. 
Seeing Angel again was.well, everything.  After the blowup in LA, she
thought she would never see him again.  Her soul soared at the fact that he
still cared about her, that he still loved her, enough to try to make things
right.  At the same time, it broke her heart.  There she was with her lover,
trying to make a normal life for herself, but all she had ever wanted had
walked away from her again.  To be perfectly honest, Buffy was thrilled that
Riley chose to leave her room when he did.  As much as she cared for him,
she realized that it wasn't love.  That it would never be love.  Only Angel
was able to create such feelings in her, just by being near.  She couldn't
believe how much pleasure she took from seeing Angel overpowering a battered
Riley in her room after their fight.  It just served to remind her more how
much Angel was capable of and how much she was happy that her vampire
managed to kick her current lover's ass.  There was such confidence, pride,
and an almost arrogance about him when he proved that Riley was no
competition for him.  And how true that was.

After changing for bed, Buffy lay down and looked up at her ceiling.  She
tried to figure out what she was going to do now.  Even though Riley was
still convinced of her "feelings" towards him, the blonde knew that it would
be much harder to hide how she truly felt about him, and about a certain
vampire.  With that thought in mind, Buffy drifted off to sleep and dreamed
of Angel coming up to her in the sunlight and sweeping her off her feet.

* * *

"I think we got it."  Lindsey yelled from his location in the office.  He
and the other attorneys were searching for a spell that will help them rid
Angel of his soul.  They had a big project coming up and would need to
utilize the help of a soulless demon with a talent in torture.  The only
problem was getting him to lose that soul.

"What have you found?"  Lilah asked, as she approached his desk from behind
her pile of books on the table.

"Well, if we can't get him to go to Buffy, and we can't get Buffy to go to
him, what is the next possible solution?"

"I don't know.  Why don't you stop being such an asshole and tell me??  We
are running out of time as it is.  There are only two weeks between now and
the time of the deal, so let's quit the bullshit, shall we?"

"Fine, fine, have it your way.  If you would have researched their past, you
would know of a second slayer."

"Right, Faith.  But they tried that before, and it didn't work."

"No, not Faith.  Another Buffy."


"Yeah.  There is an alternate reality that was created by his secretary
Cordelia a couple of years back.  Turns out she made a wish to a vengeance
demon in which Buffy never came to Sunnydale."

"Yeah, so what's the point?"

"She never met Angel.  In fact, she doesn't even know of the existence of a
souled vampire."

"So, you're suggesting that we bring this "Wishverse Buffy" to our world?"

"Well, there are two possibilities to it.  Either she sleeps with Angel and
he loses his soul, or she stakes him immediately, ridding us of our problem
all together."

"Oooohhh.  Now that is a plan I like."

* * *

A few hours later, the team at Wolfram and Hart had assembled in the
conference room.  There were a few shamans and some other warlocks just in
case the spell took some extra magical muscle.

"Is everyone ready?"  Lindsey asked, only to receive a bunch of nods from
the men.  "Great!  You may begin when ready."  At his command, two shamans
and one of the warlocks began to chant some phrases in an ancient Sumerian
tongue.  Lindsey and the other lawyers just looked on, not understanding
anything that was being said.  However, they did know that these men were
not fools enough to screw over their firm, for the repercussions would not
be pretty.  When the chanting ended, a bright flash lit up the whole room,
as well as the entire city of Los Angeles.

"Is it done?"  Lilah asked when she opened her eyes.

"It is."  The warlock answered.

"Good.  Your payment will be in the mail.  Thanks, gentlemen."  She opened
the door, as one of the security guards escorted the men out of the
building.  "Well, Lindsey," she said as she turned to her associate.  "Let's
see if your plan works."

"It will work."  He said, overly self- assured.

"For your sake, I certainly hope so.  I just know the senior partners would
love another screw up from you."

"Whatever."  The sexy attorney scoffed and stormed out of the room.

* * *

Out in a dark alley in South Central, a petite blonde girl stood up and
dusted herself off.  Looking around at the unfamiliar landscape around her,
she got a confused look on her face.

"What the fuck?"
Part 2
Angel arrived back at his apartment just before dawn, after spending about
two hours crying in his car outside the UC Sunnydale campus.  It had been
one of the worst nights of his life, ranking just below the night he left
Buffy less than one year earlier.  He finally realized that she was moving
on, from him and the life he had wanted to build with her but was unable to.
  Instead she was with Riley, a man who could give her everything he
couldn't.  A man who could make love to her for hours and not once worry
about being too happy, too content with the opportunity to love her so
deeply.  The concept made his stomach churn.  All Angel hoped for now, was
that "Fish Boy" realized what a treasure he had and that Buffy would find
the happiness he couldn't give her.  When the dark-haired vampire was
finally able to get himself to bed, he cried himself to sleep.

* * *

Buffy Summers looked around at her surroundings, trying to figure out what
happened.  One minute she was fighting a couple of newbie vamps that weren't
even putting up a fight, and the next minute she was standing in a strange
alleyway with no clue how she got there.  It really didn't matter though,
when a large man approached her almost snarling in his drunken state.

"Hey, baby!" the large guy slurred.

"What the HELL do you want?"  The Slayer replied, slightly pissed off at the
man who was hitting on her.  He should know better, especially when she
didn't get her kill.

"Come on, baby.  There's no reason to act like that.  I'm only looking for a
good time."  He leered, still approaching the fuming blonde.

"Oh, really?  Well, as luck may have it, I think you found the right girl." 
As soon as he was close enough, Buffy knocked him down.  She rolled him over
onto his back and straddled his waist.  Rubbing her sex against his clothed
erection repeatedly, she leaned over and kissed him hard.  The Slayer then
ripped the man's shirt off and proceeded to kiss a trail of wet kisses down
his chest, as she unbuttoned his jeans.  Wasting no time, she seated him
inside her completely and began to fuck him for all he was worth.  The poor
drunken man could do nothing but ride it out, praying she didn't kill him.

* * *

Buffy and the rest of the Scooby Gang were gathering that morning to discuss
the plans for taking out Adam.  There was so much to do, and so little time
to do it.

"Are you sure about this spell, Giles?"

"I believe it's the only chance we have, yes."  He answered his Slayer.

"Okay.  Then we will meet up tonight to get the job done.  Until then, let's
make sure that we have everything ready.  We will only have one shot at
this, so it has to be perfect."

"Willow, can you stay here with me to go over the ritual so that you and I
are together on this?"

"Sure!"  The redhead answered bubbly.

"Hey, is there anything that I can do before tonight?"  Xander asked,
needing to be of some kind of help.

"If you want to, you can get some snacks for us and then come back and work
with Giles and me." Willow suggested.

"Okay!"  He answered and raced off to the donut shop to get some goodies for
their research party.  Buffy followed him out and headed home for some rest
and self-preparation for the coming battle.

* * *

Lindsey strolled into his co-worker's office later that afternoon with a
smug look on his face.

"What's that smile for?  Did someone die and leave you a lot of money?" 
Lilah asked, somewhat jokingly.  She despised the man, and only wished that
he would be the one to die.  Then maybe she could finally run this company
by herself.

"Close.  Everything's going great!!  Our field man spotted Miss Summers
walking around Downtown LA just an hour ago.  Seems she got some action
earlier and was looking for a place to crash.  We just happened to set it up
so she has a hotel room just a couple blocks away from Angel's apartment.  I
think I smell a promotion, don't you?!"

"Wow!  You really are full of yourself."

"Well, if you were in my position, you would be too.  But that's right.  You
haven't been in my position, have you?"  He asked, showing just how much
arrogance he had and how much he disliked the woman in front of him. 
Lindsey really enjoyed whenever he got a chance to gloat, especially to her.
  He couldn't wait for the day the senior partners fired Lilah and gave him
his rightful promotion.

"Fuck you."

"Oh, that's *really* mature, Lilah."  The man snickered, thrilled at the
opportunity to piss off his partner.

"You know what?  I can guarantee that something is going to go wrong in your
brilliant little plan, and when that happens, I will watch joyfully while
the senior partners eat you alive, literally."

"This plan can't fail!"

"Oh, yeah?  And how can you be so sure?  All of your others do!"  She

"Well, this Buffy will smell, sound, and look like our dimension's Buffy. 
The only difference is that she is not.  Our friend Angel won't be able to
tell the two apart, 'cause they're the same person.  Besides, any minor
details that would not be the same can be explained through the fact that
she was angry at him for beating up her boyfriend."

"WHAT?"  The female attorney was stunned about this revelation.  She didn't
even know that Angel went back to Sunnydale recently.

"Yeah, that's right.  Angel went to the Hellmouth last night, and while he
was there, he got into a fight with Riley Finn, Buffy's new boy toy.  Just a
little convenient, don't you think?"

"So what?  Your plan will still fail.  You wouldn't know how to figure
something out if it bit you on the ass!"  Lindsey didn't even bother to
reply.  Instead, he walked out of the room, laughing hysterically at the
other attorney.  He would prove to her and the senior partners that his plan
would be a success.  Angel will lose his soul, or he will die.

* * *

"Angel?" Cordelia called, attempting to wake the sleeping vampire.  He slept
like the dead, literally, and it was kind of unnerving.


Shooting up in bed, he yelled, "WHAT?!!"  Getting his bearings after being
awoken like that, Angel managed to grab the sheets and keep himself covered
up, as he scooted back to lean against the headboard.

"I had a vision.  There's a vamp nest on the corner of Main Street and West.
  It's in a factory or warehouse; I'm not really sure which."

"Okay."  He waited for a few moments to see if Cordelia would just go back
upstairs, but when he realized that she wasn't going anywhere, he decided to
ask her to.  "Cordy?"

"Yeah.  What's wrong?"  She seemed completely oblivious to the situation, as
she stood next to his large bed staring at him.

"Well, um, would you mind going up to the office?  I have to get dressed."

"So?"  When she saw the look on her boss's face, reality struck the girl. 
"OH!!  God, I'm so sorry!!  I'm.ohmygod!!"  As she backed away and headed up
the elevator, she repeated her apologies.

Angel laughed at the denseness of his secretary before getting out of bed. 
Noting the time, sunset occurred about two minutes ago, so he was in no
danger of a sun burn.  So, he was safe to go out and kill some bad guys. 
Ten minutes later, the broody vampire was dressed and out the door.

* * *

Angel arrived at the abandoned warehouse fifteen minutes after his departure
from his apartment.  According to Cordy, there were about twenty vamps
inside, which were probably just now waking up.  As he approached the
building, Angel felt a strange tingling sensation run down his spine,
similar to what he would feel if Buffy was around.  But she wasn't.  So, he
ignored the disturbing and distracting thought and proceeded into the
building.  Inside, the large room was pitch black.  Thankfully, Angel's
heightened eyesight enabled him to sneak around without alerting anyone or
anything to his presence.  Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of
rustling, which sounded more like a fight when he got closer to the source. 
Keeping in his usual stealthy ways, Angel crept around a wall to find a
large group of vampires attacking something in the middle of them.  Not even
bothering to find out who it was, he jumped into the fray and began
attacking all the vamps he could.  Ducking a punch by the first vampire,
Angel delivered a roundhouse kick before plunging a stake into its heart. 
He took out another two rather easily, noting that most of these creatures
were newbies and didn't have a clue how to fight.  After wiping out all of
the ones in front of him, Angel turned around at the sound of grunting.  He
stood in shock as he watched a tiny blonde kill the last three vamps in
succession.  'No, it can't be!' He thought to himself as he watched her turn
around.  They stared at each other for a few moments before the Slayer
launched herself at the unsuspecting vampire, stake in hand.

Part 3


Angel just barely managed to sidestep the stake that was charging at him in
the hands of the Slayer.  She fell to the dirty floor of the warehouse and
flipped up into a fighting stance.  They circled each other, waiting for the
opportunity to strike.

"Buffy!  What's going on?"  Angel pleaded, not wanting to fight her,
especially after what happened in his apartment not too long ago.

"How do you know my name, Vampire?"

"What are you talking about?"  Angel was so confused; he didn't know what to
do.  Just yesterday, he and Buffy were talking and getting along.  But now,
she didn't know him?  It just didn't make sense.  "Are you alright?  Did
something happen to you?"

"Why should you care?  You're just gonna be a pile of dust in about a minute
anyway."  With that, Buffy lunged at the vampire again, this time knocking
him down.  Pinning him to the ground, she positioned her stake directly
above his heart.

As he felt the wood pierce his skin, Angel began to struggle.  She obviously
meant business.  "Buffy, think about what you are doing.  You don't want to
do this!"

"I don't?  Let's're a vampire; I'm a Slayer.  Where's the wrong side
to this?"  She pressed the stake a little more into his chest, eliciting a
loud groan from her victim.  He was just so intriguing with the way he was
trying to stop her that Buffy decided to drag out the pain just a little
before she dusted him.


"Oh, this better be good.  It'll probably be the last thing you ever say. 
In this dimension anyway."

"I love you."  Angel's voice was full of love and pain, as he uttered the
words he had wanted to say since the day he left.

"Well, isn't that sweet?  A soulless demon capable of love?  That's a new
approach."  Looking down at the vampire pinned beneath her, Buffy noticed
that his eyes were not filled with the fear of death as most of her kills
are, but instead, they were filled with loss, so deep that it struck her to
the soul.  How was it that a demon was able to feel anything, much less loss
or love?

Angel saw the determination and lack of feeling in the eyes of his soul
mate.  This was really the end.  And how fitting it was.  The irony behind
living for more that 250 years and then be killed by the only person you
ever loved was just too much.  The Powers were probably laughing at him from
above right now.  Closing his eyes, the souled vampire stopped struggling
and prepared for the inevitable.

* * *

Buffy walked out of the Initiative with her friends and her boyfriend, never
having felt so tired in her whole life.  The spell they performed was more
intense than she had expected, and it drained her a great deal.  The fight
was brutal, and many lives were lost, both demon and human.  In the end,
however, the Scooby Gang and its groupies remained for the most part

For some reason, that night felt strange to the Slayer.  There was something
in the air, but she couldn't decide what.  It was like magic and love and
fear and a million other things she couldn't even begin to describe.  The
one thing she did know is that everything felt so wrong.  Being in
Sunnydale, with her friends, with Riley, felt wrong.  Almost as if she was
betraying someone.

As the group walked back towards Buffy's house, they noticed her strange
actions.  She stopped holding onto Riley altogether, and instead wrapped her
arms around her waist.  Even though he tried to get near her, the blonde
just brushed him off, although nicely.  She stayed away from her friends,
and kept glancing around them, especially at the sky.

When they walked into the house, Giles decided to speak up.  "Buffy, is
something wrong?  You seem.I don't know, preoccupied?"

"Oh, no, Giles.  I'm fine.  I just think that the spell must have left me
kinda out of it.  I'm just really tired."

"Well, that's completely understandable.  It's been quite a long day."

"It has."  Willow agreed.  She noticed the difference in her friend too, but
bought Buffy's explanation of fatigue.

"Want me to walk you upstairs?"  Riley asked, trying to have an excuse to be
alone with his girlfriend.

"Sure.  Whatever."  She answered, nonchalantly.  Leading the way, Buffy
walked slowly up to her room, feeling her boyfriend's hand on her waist as
she moved.  When they entered the room, Riley stepped forward to kiss her. 
She let him for a moment or two, but then broke it off.  When he gave her a
confused look, she explained, "I'm sorry, Ri.  It's just that I'm so
exhausted.  Can we do this another time?"

"Sure," he replied, not knowing how to take the latest brush off.  He could
tell that there was something not right with his girlfriend, but decided not
to push it.  He knew very well what could happen when you piss her off.  And
needless to say, it isn't pretty.  Giving him a light kiss on the cheek,
Buffy led him to her door, and said good night.

* * *

Angel stayed there, frozen in his despair, for a couple of more minutes
before opening his eyes.  He wondered if she was going to wait for him to
look at her before dusting him.  But the moment he opened his eyes, he
realized that he was alone.  Buffy was gone, and he was still in the
warehouse.  Alive.  Now more confused then ever, Angel stood up and headed
back home.

* * *

The Slayer walked the streets of Los Angeles, extremely confused.  She
actually left that demon alive.  Even though, she tried to figure out why,
nothing came to her.  She never met him before, but for some reason she knew
him.  But she NEVER associated with vampires.  That would be ludicrous.  So,
she continued to walk around, hoping for another fight.  Maybe that would
get rid of the bizarre tingling sensation that had been running through her
since she crossed paths with that creature.

* * *

When Angel reached his apartment a few minutes later, he went immediately
for his first aid kit, after noticing the large blood stain on his shirt. 
He removed the article and glanced down at his wounded chest.  "Damn!"  The
cut was deep, leaving only a few inches between him and death.  Angel
patched himself up quickly and moved over to sit in his leather chair.  'Why
would Buffy do that to me?' he brooded, sitting and staring at the picture
of her he left on the table only hours ago.  'I thought we had worked things
out.  Now she doesn't even remember me?  Or at least didn't want to?'

Getting up, Angel took a few strides over to where his phone sat.  He
decided to call Giles.  Something was definitely wrong with her, even if he
didn't know what it was.  Either way, her Watcher needed to know what
happened tonight.

* * *

Buffy stood at her window, looking out at the starry sky.  There was
something wrong.  She just wished she knew what it was.  There was a strange
tugging sensation at her soul, but why?  The only time that happened was
when Angel was in trouble, and his soul called out for her.  Not even
thinking twice, she threw on some clean clothes and ran downstairs. 
Scribbling a quick note for her mother, Buffy grabbed the keys to her SUV
and headed out to LA.

* * *

The Englishman wandered down the stairs after being rudely awakened by the
telephone.  Glancing over at the clock, he saw that it was almost 2am. 


"Angel?  Is something wrong?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so.  Is Buffy there?"

"No.  Well, yes, she's at home.  Why?  What's going on?"  He didn't like the
tone in the vampire's voice, which had a hint of fear in it.  A rarity for
any such creature, even Angel.

"Um, I'm not sure how to say this, but she was here tonight."

"What?  But that's impossible."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she was averting an apocalypse of sorts tonight."

"Then, what.?"  Angel was more confused than ever at this point.  Not only
was Buffy in Sunnydale all night, but that also left a big unanswerable
question: who or what was with him in that warehouse?

"What happened to you tonight?"

"I really don't know, Giles.  I was going over to raid a nest of vampires in
a warehouse.  When I showed up, Buffy was there and had already dusted most
of them.  Then, she started to fight me as well.  Almost as if she didn't
know me."

"Well, that's certainly unprecedented.  How could a Slayer be in two places
at once, doing two different activities?"

"I wish I knew."

"It was most likely a side effect of a spell that we did tonight.  I'll
consult some of my books, but I wouldn't fret about it.  It was probably

"Yeah, you're probably right.  Just to be safe though, could you call Buffy
and make sure she's alright?"

"Of course.  Goodnight, Angel."


Giles hung up the phone, and removed his glasses.  'What the Hell was that
all about?'  He picked up the phone again, and dialed the number to the
Summers' house.


"Hello, Joyce.  It's Rupert."

"Mr. Giles?  What is going on?  It's two o'clock in the morning."

"Yes, yes, I know.  I'm sorry to have to disturb you at such a late hour,
but is Buffy home?"

"Why, of course!  Where would she be?"  Joyce couldn't believe this
conversation.  Why would he think that she wouldn't be at home and sleeping
in her bed at that hour?

"Could you please check for me anyway?"  Giles just needed to be sure that
there was no way she could have been in LA tonight.

"Sure."  Joyce walked over from her room to Buffy's.  Opening the door, she
saw the bed was made and no one was in the room.  It looked as if Buffy had
never been there.  "Oh my God."

"What?  What is it, Joyce?"

"She's gone!"  Running done the stairs, Buffy's mother ran to the door,
hoping to see her daughter outside or something.  That's when she noticed
the car was missing.  "And my car's gone too.  Rupert, what's going on?!!!"

"Please calm down.  I'm sure it's nothing."

"It's not nothing.  My daughter is missing with my car, which she can't even
drive safely, and you want me to calm down!!!"

"Yes, I understand.  Look, everything is alright.  I think she's in LA."

"LA?   Why would she be there?"

"I'm not entirely certain, but it seems that there was a run-in tonight with
an old friend of hers, who called me just a while ago.  So, she's alright."

"Thank God.  Just please tell her to come home!"

"I will.  Thank you, Joyce.  Good night.

"Good night, Mr. Giles."

When Giles hung up the phone this time, he was really beginning to worry. 
At first he thought Angel was just being paranoid, which was common for the
souled vampire.  However, with Buffy missing, and the car gone, there could
be serious trouble ahead.  So, as a Watcher usually does, Giles put on a pot
of tea, and began his research.

* * *

Buffy looked around, once she reached the building of Angel's apartment. 
The strange feelings she had had still felt the same, except stronger. 
There was something definitely wrong here, if only she could figure out
what.  Just as she was about to open the door, there was a pinching
sensation in her throat.  Looking down, Buffy saw a tranquilizer dart
sticking out of her.

"ANGEL!!"  She screamed.  Then, suddenly, she passed out.

Part 4



The vampire sat up in his leather chair, hearing the fear-filled scream of his mate.  He rushed out of the apartment, not even bothering to grab a shirt in the process.  When he reached the steps, Angel looked around, yet he saw nothing.  But she had been there, he knew that much.  Her scent of vanilla still lingered in the air.  There was something mixed in it though.  Fear?  Worry?  Panic rose inside him, knowing that something wasn't right with her.  After their previous encounter in the warehouse, and then her strange but obviously recent appearance, Angel was certain that she was in some kind of danger.  Taking a deep breath into the night, the dark vampire started to follow his keen sense of his lover's unique scent down the dimly lit street.


* * *


The Slayer was prowling the streets, itching for a fight.  Even though she just gave that drunk the best ride of his life, something just didn't feel right.  She almost felt bad about fucking the guy.  Like she was being unfaithful to someone.  Shaking her head, Buffy headed for the nearest graveyard.  She just needed to kick some demon ass to get those disturbing thoughts out of her head.  Then everything would be fine, right?


* * *


Angel wandered into the cemetery near his apartment.  His senses were on full alert, as he scanned the surrounding woods.  Her scent was close, but still he couldn't see her.  He kept walking through the mausoleums and headstones.  Then, suddenly, she came into view under a lamppost.  Buffy's hair was longer than he remembered, and she had it pulled back in a braid.  Her makeup was much darker than usual, and her clothes were looser, but she was still gorgeous.  Angel quickened his pace and approached her silently.




She whipped around, stake raised high in her hand, at the sound of his voice.  "You again?  Why am I suddenly beginning to regret my previous generosity?"  Her gaze wandered over his body, taking in the broad shoulders, sculpted chest, tight stomach, strong legs, and large feet.  She could already feel the wetness seeping between her thighs.  'He's a vampire, Buffy,' she reminded herself.  'You're the Slayer.  That means dead vampire.'


"Oh, my God!  You're mouth!"  Angel reached out and ran his fingers in a whisper-light caress over the scar across her full lips.  Buffy closed her eyes, savoring his cold touch.  "When did this happen, love?"  He asked in a deep, throaty voice that made her head spin.


After a brief moment, her eyes snapped open, and she shoved him away.  "Why do you care?  You're a vampire."  She said, the word sounding like a curse, as it left her beautiful mouth.


"Of course I care, Buffy.  What's wrong?  I know something's bothering you."  He moved up closer to her again, invading her personal space.


"Right now, you're bothering me!" She spat, turning away from him and starting to walk away.  Angel took only a couple of long strides to reach her.  He grabbed her arm, spinning her around.


"What the-"


But she never got to finish, because Angel closed his mouth possessively over hers in a hot, demanding kiss.


* * *


When Buffy woke up, her head was pounding.  Opening her eyes, she had to blink several times against the bright light.  She looked around the room, finding herself in a cell, similar to what you would find in a jail.  There was a small bucket in the far corner, but that was it.  When she tried to get up, a stabbing pain shot through her arm.  Glancing down, she noticed the unnatural position of her shoulder.  'Damn!'  She thought.  They must have dislocated the joint when getting her here.  Whoever they are.  Scooting her body over to the bars on the side of the cell, Buffy painfully lifted her arm and grabbed the bar.  Gritting her teeth, she maneuvered her body up and heard the popping sound when her shoulder sank bank into its place. 


She was panting heavily, when she turned around and saw the medium-sized, fairly sexy man watching her from the far wall.


"Miss Summers, what a pleasure it is to see you've paid us a visit."  The cocky man said.


"Where am I?"  She screamed, standing up and stalking her way to the door of the cell.


"The basement of a well-hidden building, if you really want to know.  Don't worry, no one's going to find you here.  Not even Angel."


"What do you know about Angel?"  He smiled.  He actually smiled at her question.  Walking over to the door, Lindsey reached his hand in and trailed a finger down the Slayer's face.


"He's getting reacquainted with an old friend."  When his finger reached her mouth, Buffy turned her head and bit down hard on the digit.


"Dammit!!"  He yelped, as he held on to the bloody finger.  Then he began to chuckle.  "Well, it's nice to see you've still got spunk.  Unfortunately that won't last long.  In fact, not much about you will.  That's the great part about my job, Buff.  Do you mind if I call you Buff?"  He didn't even wait for her answer, as he started to back up.  "I can make anything happen.  Your partial memory loss will seem so insignificant to the senior partners when Angelus returns to the fold."  His evil laugh continued as he walked into the black hallway.


'Angelus,' she wondered.  'Did his guy have some way to remove Angel's soul?'   She had to get out of there, and soon.  Whatever these people, the senior partners, had planned, it had to be stopped.  The true Angelus if let out would cause a chaos Buffy wasn't sure she could stop again.  Killing her only love was hard enough the first time around, but the second.


No, she wouldn't think like that.  She was the Slayer.  So, assess the situation, and form a practical plan.  That's what Giles always did.  Okay, they were going to take away her memory.  But how?  If she didn't know how they were going to do it, what could she do to prevent it.


Just then, a strange yellow demon with spiny projections on his head came in to the room.  Again, from that pitch black hallway.  'That must be the way out.'  He carried a small tray of sorts with him.  Food.  Well, if she didn't know what they planned, Buffy decided to assume everything was perilous. 


So, when the demon slid the tray into the small hole in the cell, the Slayer grabbed his wrists and yanked him towards her.  The force at which his head hit the metal bars was enough to knock him out.  But there was one small problem.  He fell backwards.  'Great.'   Dropping to the ground, she took a hold of his scaly feet and pulled them in through the bars.  When he was close enough to her, she felt around on his body, in hopes of finding keys to her prison.  As she brushed his pocket, a jingling sound was heard.  Reaching inside, she pulled out the keys and tried each one until the lock released. 


Buffy rushed out of the cell and then dragged the demon's prone form into the small space.  She shut the door, locked it, and took a look around.  There was a staircase that led up, and there was also the dark hallway where the demon and the other man came from.  Taking a deep breath, the Slayer took her chances and make her way down the small, dark corridor.