Eleni Angel
Interludes in Sin III- Bells


Covenant | Twilight's Promise | Alone | Crawling | Sins Of The Daughter | Interludes in Sin I- Lionel | Interludes In Sin II- Summer In Hell | Interludes in Sin III- Bells | The Summer's Project

Title: Bells 1/1 (Interludes in Sin III)
Author: Eleni Angel
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Interludes in Sins of the Daughter, finallyBuffy and Angels
wedding day has arrived
Spoilers: Sins of the Daughter, All seasons of Buffy to an extent,
heavily AU.
Content: Buffy/Lex implied, Buffy/Angel implied, BtVS/Smallville
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Mutant Enemy Productions,
Warner Brothers company, Tollin/Robbins Productions or any of the other
creative minds behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Smallville.
All songs contained within are property of the artists listed. Which
means, duh, that Im just an unpaid fan.
Distribution: Your Eyes, Fanfiction.net, Land of Denial, and anyone else
who is archiving my stories. If youd like to have this story, just
e-mail me the URL so I can link to you.
Feedback: Send all comments to eleni9724@juno.com.
Note: Lyrics are Everything by Lifehousesniffle

Interludes in Sin

Sunnydale, CA 2002

From the instant that Buffy woke that morning, she could feel the absence
of the man she loved like the pain of loosing a limb. He had kissed her
goodnight last night before she headed off home and he went to Spikes
crypt. She almost had to smile about how funny he was with tradition,
except for the fact that she didnt think that shed ever been gone from
him for a whole night in a very long time now.

Hed been insistent on following every wedding tradition that he could
find after a week of researching the topic. And though it was far too
late for the most plausible one of waiting for intimate relations until
after the wedding, hed tried to abstain from defiling her was the
term hed used most frequently until after the ceremony. Which meant one
whole week of not making love, and it was about to kill her. She was
horny as hell, and missing him greatly.

She had however, enjoyed his assistance in planning the event. The
wedding world was overflowing with thousands of different flower
arrangements, dozens of different cakes and dresses. She was overwhelmed
with the vast array of decisions there were to make, and grateful for his
artistic and loving input. The only thing he refused to help her with was
the selection of both bridal and bridesmaid dresses. He claimed that it
was bad luck for him to see them, and that he wanted all of the good
karma they could muster on their side. It had made her face split into a
wide smile, and then shed kissed him.

//find me here
speak to me
i want to feel you
i need to hear you//

She ached for her mothers help with this matter. There were so many
uncertainties involved, and Joyces advice was something that she wished
were there. She might not have always gotten along with her mother, but
she loved her dearly, and the weight of her absence was suffocating.

Tara had been gracious, and understanding, and in her own way had stepped
in to help fill the role. Willow, as maid of honor, also helped with
larger decisions about dresses, and honeymoon attire. She admired her
friends and the way that they had risen up to the occasion and laid all
grudges aside for the time being. Xander was making an effort to be civil
to Angel, and that was more than she could have ever asked for.

//you are the light
that is leading me
to the place where
i find peace again//

Her father had refused to come and see his daughter marry a man that had
no social standing, a man that he did not know, and in thus was not
available to give her away. Buffyd had no trouble turning right around
to Giles and asking the man who was more of a father to her than her
biological one had ever been. He, of course, was unconcerned with Angels
financial status, and though he had reservations about the marriage of a
vampire and a Slayer, had happily agreed to walk her down the isle.

Buffy sighed happily, thinking about the actual meaning of this day. She
would loose the Luthor name forever into her past and become someone that
she actually wanted to be. She was going to be Angels wife in the eyes
of God and the law. Of course, she realized that theyd been technically
married since her seventeenth birthday, but as far as she figured, this
one was far more important because her family was going to be there, what
little family mattered anyway.

She smiled as she pulled on her clothes and prepared for her big day.
Everything was going to be perfect

//you are the strength
that keeps me walking
you are the hope
that keeps me trusting//

Angel, on the other hand, had not slept a wink last night. He missed the
weight of a small body curled up next to him so much that his body ached
without her. For hours, hed lain awake on the cot hed brought to
Spikes crypt and imagined what their life was going to be like from here
on out.

There would be a few major changes, of course, but a great many things
would be staying the same, and he wouldnt have it any other way. Of
course, they would now be wed in name as well as in spirit, with
witnesses and a priest and everything. There was nothing more than hed
ever wanted than to be married to Buffy and have a family with her.
Today, they would be starting in on the married part, the family would
eventually follow, no matter the steps they had to undergo to make it

While Spike was vocally against his sire marrying a Slayer, he had agreed
to act as Angels best man, being the only one among the group that hed
known the longest and shared the most with over the decades. Buffy had
initially been against having him at the wedding, let alone in the
wedding party, but she had eventually seen the practicality of the idea.
Xander hated Angel, and Giles was doing something else. That didnt leave
that many more choices for her husband to be. And Spike wasnt all that
bad when he wasnt trying to be obnoxious.

//you are the life to my soul
you are my purpose
you are everything//

He had been big on tradition through out the whole planning process, and
was grateful that everyone seemed to go along with his suggestions for
the most part. It wasnt that he wanted to take control away from Buffy,
it was just that he was frightfully nervous that everything would be
rejected because of one flaw. And she had gone along with him, smiling
the whole time. His only rule that she seemed to object to was his
promise of no intimacy until their honeymoon. That, she hated, loudly.

Angel could hear Spike beginning to move around, and decided that it was
probably time to get things together so they could go to the church and
get ready. He was lucky that theyd checked the building out before the
ceremony, and he knew just how much he would be bothered by the holy
objects in each part of the rooms they would be in. Spike had come along
as well to test things, and finally theyd found one that worked for both
vampires and Buffy as well.

//and how can i
stand here with you
and not be moved by you//

Buffy moved into the room on auto pilot. She had tried to do this with
all of her emotions in tact, and she had nearly dissolved into tears of
joy halfway down the isle. Her gown was a creamy white, spaghetti straps
and a long flowing train of silk and lace that followed her by four feet.
The veil was a soft, antique lace, and her hair was strung with seed
pearls. Around her neck was something that shed found in her mothers
safe, an old pearl necklace that shed worn on her own wedding day.

Dawn smiled at her from the row of bridesmaids, and Buffy drew courage
from her. She could see Angel standing up at the alter, devastatingly
handsome in his James Bond style tuxedo. Spike stood at his side,
managing to look cockney and outrageous in the finest of formal wear that
Sunnydale had to offer. Giles kissed her cheek as they arrived, and she
repeated the gesture in return before he handed her over to Angel. The
two men shared a look of understanding, and then the older man sat down
next to Tara and Anya, who hadnt really wanted to be a part of the

She couldnt really hear the words that the minister was speaking, but
understood the significance. Staring into Angels eyes, she realized how
happy she was to be standing here, tying herself to him for the rest of
their lives. He would almost surely out live her, but she knew that he
wouldnt easily forget her.

//would you tell me
how could it be
any better than this//

Angel had been breathless from the moment that hed seen his beloved
appear at the back of the church. She was, as always, one of the most
beautiful, graceful creatures that hed ever seen on this earth. The
whole church seemed to melt away, and all that was left was the two of
them. This, right here and now, was all hed wanted from this life for
years. He was standing here at the alter to God, wedding his beloved.

More than two centuries had passed since hed contemplated the holy vows
of matrimony. As a human, he had only flirted with the idea, preparing to
sacrifice himself on the alter of debauchery in order to gain more land
for his fathers holdings. As a vampire, he really hadnt given it much
thought because, well his aversion to holy things had to be a large part
of it. Another thought was that he was unworthy of such a long honored

//you calm the storms
you give me rest
you hold me in your hands
you won't let me fall//

And then it all came rushing back to them both, a loud wash of applause
and cheers as the minister allowed them their small kiss at his
announcement that they were now one union of souls. Their lips touched,
and tears mingled on their cheeks. This was what they had wanted; this
was what all of the pain that they had endured had been for. This was
their moment, and nothing could ever ruin it.

//you still my heart
and you take my breath away
would you take me in
would you take me deeper now//

There was only the smallest of receptions before they were rushed off to
the airport to catch their private plane. A honeymoon in Ireland called
to them, and Buffy was happy that Angel was willing to share this part of
his past with her. That he trusted her with some of the most painful
moments in his life. At least from his souls point of view. Angelus had
other ideas on that matter. But she didnt care, Angelus didnt belong in
any part of her new world, and she wouldnt allow him to torment her any

As they drove away from the church, she could hear the bells ringing in
the clock tower,

//'cause you're all i want
you are all i need
you are everything