DISCLAIMER: Not mine. TIMELINE: It takes place right after "Into The Woods" on BtVS and "Reunion"on Angel. It stays in the Buffy/Angel-verse up until then except "I Will Remember You" never happened. SYNOPSIS: Buffy is called to L.A. to save Angel from himself. DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just tell me first. AUTHOR'S NOTES: B/A Forever. FEEDBACK: Oo yes please. It gives me a happy.
"Hello?" Buffy answered the ringing phone. At Giles' glare and with a roll of her eyes, she added, "Magic Shop, your one-stop spot to shop for all your occult needs."
"Buffy, it's Cordelia."
"Cordelia? Uh, hi."
"You sound surprised to hear from me."
"Yeah, I am. How'd you know where to find me?"
"I called your mom and she gave me this number. Buffy, we have a problem. It's with Angel. He's gone a little haywire." Buffy's whole body tensed.
"He's not." Buffy trailed off, not even able to say the unthinkable. He couldn't be Angelus, he just couldn't.
"No. But he's kind of.I don't even know how to describe it. There's this law firm, Wolfram and Hart, and they're kind of evil, and they brought back Darla." Buffy's jaw dropped.
"But.but she was staked. Dust. It's not possible."
"There was some spell. I don't really understand it, but they brought her back as human and she was playing mind games with Angel until her soul kicked in. Then she tried to get turned back into a vampire. Finally Angel had convinced her to just live out her life when Drusilla changed her back."
"Drusilla! Oh dear, Cordelia. Why didn't you call me before?"
"Well, we thought Angel could handle it, but he snapped. Darla and Dru attacked the Wolfram and Hart lawyers and Angel just let them die. Gunn, Wesley, and I confronted him and said that we thought we were the only things standing between him and complete darkness. He said he agreed and then he fired us."
"That doesn't sound good," Buffy said, knowing her words didn't quite capture the situation.
"No, it's really not. We were hoping you could help us. Ya know talk some sense into him. Could you come to L.A.?"
"I guess, but what if he won't listen to me?"
"If he won't, then we need to kill Darla and Drusilla."
"That might not be as easy as it sounds."
"Then bring reinforcements. Have Giles and the gang come too. Despite the situation, it'd be nice to see everybody again." Buffy smiled and agreed. Cordelia gave her address and hung up. Buffy turned to face the rest of the Scooby Gang.
"We're going to L.A."
Buffy was filling a duffel bag with stakes and other slaying supplies in the training room behind the magic shop. She turned around when Xander entered.
"Hey Buffy."
"Hey Xan." He was obviously nervous. He had his hands stuck in his pockets and he was shifting from foot to foot.
"Uh, Buffy, um, are you sure you wanna go to L.A. now? I mean you just broke with Riley and you're vulnerable."
"Xander, this isn't about me. This is about Angel and Darla and Drusilla. This is Slayer stuff, not personal."
"Okay, I'm just worried about you. You've been really withdrawn since Riley left."
"Thanks for your concern, but I'm fine. I'm not trying to be withdrawn. I've just been thinking."
"About what?"
"About the things you said to me." Buffy's voice got very soft. "You told me that if I thought I could ever love Riley, I should go after him and I did. When I got there, the helicopter had already lifted, but I could see Riley and I realized something. He was right when he said that our relationship wasn't as solid as I thought. I put a lot into our relationship that wasn't there because I wanted it to be. I wanted to prove that I was over Angel. But I'm really not. I'm never gonna be over him. And that is really hard for me to deal with." Buffy sighed, turning back to packing. "But this isn't about me," she added firmly. But Xander wouldn't let her get away that easily. He put his arms around her in a comforting hug.
The six of them - Buffy, Giles, Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya - managed to squeeze into Giles' car. They arrived at Cordelia's house and Buffy rang the doorbell. Cordy opened the door and squealed at the joy of seeing her old friends again. She ushered them into her apartment and hugged them. Introductions were made and finally things settled down. Buffy turned to Cordelia, getting into business mode immediately.
"Have you spoken with Angel since you called me?"
"No, what do you think we should do?"
"I think I should go talk to him. I guess that would be a good first step. Do you have any leads on Darla and Drusilla?"
"No," Wesley answered. "We've been trying, but they've been laying low."
"Okay, why don't you guys work on that and I'll go talk to Angel. Giles, can I borrow your car?"
"I don't know, Buffy. Can't you walk?"
"Aw c'mon, Giles, you let me drive your old car."
"Yes, but my old car was worth less than a tire on my new car."
"Ple-ease. I'll be super careful."
"Promise?" Buffy grinned, knowing he was giving in.
"Cross my heart." Giles fished in his pocket for the keys and tossed them. Buffy caught them and turned to leave. She walked out with a confidence that masked the jumble of nerves building in her stomach.
Part 2
Buffy entered Angel's building and looked around. The architecture was beautiful and she could see why Angel had bought the place. She saw Angel through a window and her heart missed a beat. He didn't see her because he was engrossed in a large book. She moved to the door and opened quietly, but Angel's supersensitive hearing perked and he looked up.
"Buffy," he said shocked. He swung his feet off the desk and stood.
"Hi Angel."
"What are you doing here?"
"Cordelia called me. She's worried about you. And from what she's told me, I am too. What going on?"
"She should stay out of this and you should too," he said immediately defensive. She stepped closer and Angel could feel her heart racing. He body was buzzing just from being near him. "This doesn't concern you. Go back to Sunnydale." His eyes were black, but Buffy held strong.
"No Angel. People's lives are in danger."
"You don't know what you're talking about. Get out of here." His caustic words stung slightly.
"What is wrong with you, Angel?"
"Nothing," he responded. He grabbed her arm roughly and pushed her out of his way. His fast and forceful move caused Buffy to stumble backwards and if she didn't have her Slayer reflexes, she would have fallen. Angel looked back immediately contrite, but when Buffy caught his eye, he looked quickly away.
Buffy pulled Giles' car up in front of Cordelia's. Her encounter with Angel had left he shaken and she had almost gotten in an accident on the way back, but she wouldn't tell Giles about that. Wesley opened the door when she knocked. She stepped inside and Willow cleared a place for her on the couch.
"So how'd it go?" Xander asked.
"Not well." Buffy said. "When I first got there, it was fine. But when I said why I was there, he got weird. His eyes got so dark. They do that when he's upset," she reasoned, knowing Angel's idiosyncrasies well. "But I've never seen them do dark." Saying it out loud made it seem more real and even more upsetting. "He said that it was none of our business and that we should go back to Sunnydale. Then, he pushed me out of his way." She unconsciously rubbed her arm where he had grabbed her. She thought it might bruise. "He's never physically hurt me before," she said in a soft, worried voice. "Never." Willow reached out and put a comforting arm around her friend.
"What are we going to do?" Tara asked after a short silence.
"I don't know," Buffy answered. "He's not Angelus, that's for sure. But he was acting like a totally different person. I think that we can get to him though. When he was leaving, he turned around and looked at me and in his eyes, I saw the Angel that I know. I think he's hiding something and I think we need to know what that is before we move on."
Buffy walked back into Angel's place. She was prepared this time. Her emotions were pushed back and she was in full Slayer mode. Somewhere in her mind she knew that seeing Angel could never be just business, but she would try.
"Angel!" she called out, leading the pack into the hotel. "Angel, where are you?" Angel came into the lobby and was surprised to find everyone standing there.
"What's going on here?"
"Angel, you can't seem to deal with this situation, so we're taking over. Tell us what you know about Darla and Drusilla, we'll take care of it, and you can go back to brooding."
"I told you before, Buffy, go home. You don't know what going on."
"I know that having Darla and Drusilla at large is putting so many people in danger. I know that you've practically lost it. You let them kill a room full of people for chrisakes. What were you thinking?" Buffy closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure. The room was completely silent.
"Darla is claustrophobic," Angel said softly. Everyone looked up.
"What?" asked Wesley.
"She's afraid of confined spaces. It's illogical, but it's her weakness. As soon as I locked the door, she panicked. I knew she would. Dru and Darla broke out before anyone got hurt."
"Then why did you tell us that the lawyers were dead? Why'd you fire us? Why haven't you done anything to kill Darla and Drusilla?" Cordelia asked, confused and angry.
"It's complicated, Cordelia. You guys wouldn't understand the way I'm doing this. It's a very delicate situation. Drusilla is stronger in her clairvoyance. The more people that are on this case the more dangerous it is and I know you wouldn't just let me do this alone. Plus, Wolfram and Hart are ruthless and they might try to get to me through you. I wanted to protect you. After what happened with Doyle." Cordelia put up her hand to stop him. Every time Doyle's name was mentioned, her heart ached. Angel and Cordelia shared a short look, which no one really understood except them. Angel continued. "I just didn't want you guys to get hurt."
"Angel, of course, that makes sense, but why didn't you just tell us all this before?"
"Well now Wolfram and Hart think I'm off the deep end which is what they wanted. They're going to try to get me to their side. Darla and Dru are going to try to do the same. I was planning on pulling double duty and it would be easier without you guys. This might not be the way most people would deal with it, but it's the way I work."
"Angel, man," Gunn said, "this isn't cool. You can't freak like this."
"I know, but this isn't the best time for this discussion. Darla and Drusilla have been lying low, but I figure they'll be popping up real soon. I would have been able to deal with it but now that you guys are here we need a new plan." Everyone nodded. Buffy turned to Giles, but turned back when Angel said her name softly.
"Buffy, can I talk to you privately?" Buffy nodded. Angel led her into his office and closed the door. He turned around to face her, but avoided her eyes. She wasn't searching his out either. The tension in the room was tangible. "I just want to apologize for how things happened earlier. I didn't mean to be so coarse. I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No, don't flatter yourself. I'm the Slayer," she said hiding her emotions and the dull ache in her arm. They stood there in awkward silence.
Part 3
Everyone sat around in the lobby waiting. The gang from Sunnydale had stayed at the hotel because of the abundance of rooms. They were at a complete loss of what to do. Everyone except Angel had been out during the day, checking out local demon haunts and pumping people for information, but turned up nothing.
"This isn't good."
"Thanks, Xander, we never would have realized that without your help," Buffy snapped. Anya put her arm protectively around his shoulders.
"Ouch, Buff." She moved to the floor and stretched out.
"Sorry Xan. I'm just kinda stressed. I'm more of an action girl and sitting here is making me antsy."
"Well maybe the reason we haven't heard anything about Darla and Drusilla is because they're not planning anything," Tara suggested hopefully albeit naively.
"I don't think so. They're just keeping it quiet." Cordelia stood up. "I'm gonna get something to eat. Anybody want?" Everyone shook their heads. As she walked across the room she cried out, grabbed her head, and fell back. Angel, Gunn, and Wesley were immediately at her side, lowering her gently to the ground.
"I'll get the aspirin." Wesley dashed into the other room and came back with a small white bottle and a glass of water. He handed them to Cordelia who took them gratefully.
"What'd you see?"
"Darla and Drusilla.at a club downtown.lots of people, innocents.they have a lot of vamps there."
"Wesley, help her. I think we need back up. I'm gonna call Kate." Buffy's expression changed as she heard another woman's name. Willow saw the look, but knew her friend wouldn't ask so she spoke up.
"Who's Kate?"
"A contact Angel has in the police department." Wesley turned his attention away from the red-headed witch. "Are you okay, Cordy?"
"Yeah, fine." She stood up dusting off her black pants. "Let's go."
They were standing in front of the club when Kate and a couple other police officers arrived and she came over to them. Angel had partially explained the situation on the phone, but hadn't given lots of details.
"What's the plan?"
"There are a lot of innocent people in there. We need to get them out as inconspicuously as possible," Angel explained. "I thought that's where you could come in." Kate nodded and walked into the club. She flashed her badge and told him that the club would be temporarily closed and he should leave and takes his patrons with him. As people started to trickle out, Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara, and Giles snuck behind the bar and Buffy moved swiftly up to the second story. Angel walked to the center of the room when it was nearly empty and faced Darla. Drusilla started mumbling something nonsensical about sheep, but the blonde haired vampire shushed her.
"Angelus darling, I knew you'd come. Can't stay away from the good life, can you?" Angel stared at her stoically as Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn emerged from the shadows. Wesley was holding a crossbow, but Darla wasn't afraid. "Oh and you brought your little friends. I'm so scared," she said sarcastically. "You can't stop us, Angel."
"Wanna bet?" Buffy said, swinging down from her perch in the rafters. Her legs connected solidly with Darla and knocked her over. Darla jumped up and Buffy delivered a roundhouse to her jaw. Drusilla had joined the fray, fighting with Angel. Everyone else had their hands full with the minions Darla and Dru had collected.
Drusilla punched Angel, but he responded quickly with a right hook then threw her to the ground. He ran over to help Cordelia who was close to being killed by a particularly large minion. He staked the oversized vamp in the back and ran back to where Buffy was battling both Darla and Drusilla. He pulled Darla away and hit her hard. She kicked out at him and they both fell backwards, breaking a table. A large piece of wood went into Angel's side and disabled him for a moment.
Meanwhile Buffy delivered solid hits to Drusilla, pulled her stake out, and sheathed it in the brunette vamp's heart. Drusilla wailed as she exploded into dust. Darla ran towards Buffy, enraged, leaving Angel in a pile of broken wood. She threw the Slayer against a wall near the bar. Buffy slid to the ground in a puddle of alcohol. Shards of broken glass from the broken bottles went into her arms. She had hit her head pretty hard and was dizzy. Her vision faded and before she could move, there was an angry blonde vampire looming over her. Darla made a move to snap Buffy's neck, but she was dust before she could complete the action. Angel had pulled the piece of table out of his side and used it to stake Darla.
"Déjà vu," Xander said quietly and Willow and Giles nodded. The others had finished off the last of the minions and stood watching and waiting.
Buffy looked up and met Angel's eyes. He reached out his hand to help her up and she took it. As she stood up, she pulled him into an embrace. Angel was surprised at first, but his body naturally relaxed against hers. As they wrapped their arms around each other the smashed bottles, injured bodies, broken furniture, and other people in the room faded away.
"Thank you," she whispered
Part 4
Everyone dragged themselves into the hotel lobby. Cordelia went to get the first aid kit under the counter. Everyone except Buffy and Angel had gotten away with minor cuts and bruises. Angel took off his shirt so Cordelia could fix the gaping hole in his side. Buffy tried to avert her eyes from his muscular chest, but found it very hard to do.
"Make sure there's no wood. I can't heal around wood," Angel instructed Cordelia. She made a face of disgust as she checked the wound for splinters and patched it up. Meanwhile, Buffy had lifted her shirt to expose her taut stomach. Giles felt her ribs.
"Are you sure they're not broken?"
"Positive," she answered her ex-Watcher's question. Angel watched from across the room as Giles wrapped a bandage around her ribs. He was jealous that the old man got to be so close to her and see her everyday. Buffy lifted her shirt a little higher so the bandage would fall correctly and Angel saw a sliver of her bra peeking out from under the edge. Buffy felt his eyes on her and turned her head. He quickly looked away. As Giles finished bandaging her, she sighed. Then she grimaced because her ribs were most definitely bruised and heavy breathing hurt.
"I'm going upstairs," she announced, not being able to stand the tension any longer. She walked up the stairs and went into her room. Angel decided to do the same several minutes later, but everyone else stayed downstairs.
Buffy lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. She was tracing the pattern with her eyes, anything to keep from letting her mind wander to Angel.
"Buffy, it's Willow. Can I come in?" her best friend called from outside the closed door.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. My ribs will be fine by morning. Accelerated healing power is one of the very few perks of being a Slayer."
"That's good. But I meant being here.with Angel."
"Yeah, fine. There's nothing between us anymore."
"Liar." Willow sat on the bed, next to Buffy's knees.
"What?" Buffy moved quickly from a horizontal position to a sitting up one.
"You're lying. Buffy, I know this is difficult for you. I can tell - I'm your best friend. Besides you guys have been sneaking glances at each other ever since we got here. You're both trying to hide it from us and each other, but it's so obvious you two are still in love."
"I am still in love with him." She sighed in frustration. You're right. But I hate him." She flopped back on the mattress. "He's the only man I ever really loved. He understands me. He's my soulmate. To top it all off, he's gorgeous. I hate him."
"Oh, Buffy, you know that's not true. If it was, then my good news wouldn't be so good anymore." Buffy tilted her head.
"Good news?"
Buffy knocked on Angel's door. She was bubbling over with excitement, but when a solemn Angel opened the door, she calmed a little.
"Can I come in?" Angel ushered her in and took a seat in a chair by his bed. Buffy took his cue and sat on the bed.
"I wanted to thank you for saving me today." Angel nodded and looked away, not sure how to respond. "I know it was hard for you, seeing as she's your sire and all. But that's not why I came here." She paused and looked up. "There's a spell. It would make you human." His head snapped up.
"Yes!" Buffy couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "Daylight. Garlic. No curse. Angel, we could be together." Angel was still in a state of shock.
"I'm not sure how they found the spell, but they did and it's not that complicated. We just sprinkle some sand, light some candles, say some chants, you drink some of my blood, and Voila! Human."
"What?" Angel suddenly became very alert.
"Voila?" she repeated, knowing that's not what he meant.
"Buffy, I won't drink from you."
"Angel, it's not a big deal. You've done it before and you won't drain me," she explained, trying to belittle his objection. He jumped to his feet and she stood as well.
"But Angel, this could be our only chance. Don't you love me? Don't you want to be with me?" The fact that he was seriously saying no hit Buffy hard and she was close to tears.
"You know I do, Buffy. With all my heart. But I can't, I just can't."
"Why not?" She stepped closer to him, reaching for his hand.
"I can't have this conversation with you." He turned and escaped out the door. Buffy followed Angel as he fled down the stairs. She had gotten over the shock and hurt that his initial refusal had brought and now was angry that he wouldn't agree to the spell or even talk about his reasons. They stormed into the lobby where everyone was standing around talking. They were silenced, however, when Buffy and Angel continued to argue.
"So this is how it's gonna be? You're just gonna leave?"
"Yes," Angel answered, not stopping on his path for the door.
"Fine," Buffy said, her voice cold and hard. "You've done it before. It must be getting easier." Everyone watched as Angel stopped dead in his tracks. He spun around and in two steps was right in front of her.
"Is that what you think this is for me? Easy? This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Don't you know what you are to me?" Angel searched out her eyes, but she looked away. His voice softened, suddenly so full of raw emotion he could hardly get the words out. "You're everything to me. I've been on this earth for 247 years and you're the only person I've ever truly loved. I love you with every inch of my being and I'll never stop. You're the only thing I want and you're the only thing I can't have."
"But you can have me, Angel. That's what this is all about." Emotion started to seep back into Buffy's voice.
"Buffy, I want this to happen, but it can't be like this."
"Why not?"
"Because I love you too much to." Buffy cut him off.
"I'm tired of that lame excuse, Angel." She took on a mocking tone. "I love you so I'm leaving you forever. I love you so I'm not even going to say goodbye. I love you so I won't take a small risk to try to make this work."
"Buffy, I'd risk everything for this, except you. I won't risk you."
"No, Buffy. I won't. I can't." With that he exited through the large doors at the front of the hotel. Buffy watched the door close, her eyes filling with tears. A moment later she ran upstairs. There was dead silence in the lobby even though there were eight people still standing there. Finally, Gunn broke the quiet with a single awestruck word.
Part 5
Buffy lay on her bed. She had cried for an hour after Angel had ran out, but now her eyes were dry. Frustrated, she got up and started putting things in her duffel bag. There was a knock at the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me," a familiar velvety voice said.
"Come in." Angel stepped shyly into the room.
"Hi." Buffy dropped a shirt into her bag and turned to him.
"Hey." She awkwardly tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"What are you doing?" he asked, gesturing to her bag.
"Packing. We're going back to Sunnydale tomorrow. There's no reason for me to stay, is there?"
"Well." Buffy looked up hopefully. "I'm sorry for the way things happened before." He took a deep breath, not sure what to say. Buffy sat on the bed, waiting for him to start talking again. His words came out fast. "I love you so much and its kind of scary to love someone so much that you would give up everything for them." Buffy nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. He came and sat next to her on the bed. "I'm scared to be without you because then I feel so empty and alone. I feel that loving you and having you love me back was the only good thing that has ever happened to me. But I'm also scared to be with you because whenever I'm near you, you're all I can think about. It's overwhelming and sometimes I think that the world ending is a small price to pay for one more night with you. I'm terrified that I'll lose control. This spell would change all that, I know. But what scares me even more than those two fears is the thought of hurting you."
"Angel, do you think that when you broke up with me, it didn't hurt? Do you think that being here with you and not being able to hold you in my arms and kiss you doesn't hurt? Do you think that knowing there is a way we could be together, but you refuse doesn't hurt? Because if you do, you'd be so very wrong. It hurts so much, it's physical pain and I just want to curl up in a ball and die. So don't be afraid to love me. And don't be afraid to go through with this spell because it might hurt me a little because that pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel every second I live my life without you in it." As Buffy finished her speech, she had tears in her eyes.
"Buffy, I.I'm.It's not." Angel struggled to find the words. "Ever since your graduation, the demon in me is closer to the surface. The bloodlust," Angel cringed at the word, "is stronger. Slayer's blood is so powerful and I'm scared that if I drank from you again, I wouldn't be able to stop myself." Angel looked away ashamed, but glad that he had been honest with her.
"Oh, Angel, you don't have to be scared. Everyone will be there and they won't let anything happen. Besides, I trust you completely and I know that you won't hurt me."
"How, Buffy? How can you be sure? You don't know how strong the bloodlust is."
"But I do. Angel, every time you kiss me, really kiss me, I can feel the bloodlust in you. And that night you made love to me, I could feel just how strong it was." Angel looked away, ashamed that something he had tried so desperately to keep hidden was exposed. Buffy reached out and touched his arm. "You know what else I felt?" Angel's head slowly turned back to her. "Love, Angel. I felt so much love and it overpowered everything else." Buffy ran her hand up his arm and over his cheek.
"And that's why I trust you completely. I would put my life in your hands any day because I know how much you love me." Buffy looked up into Angel's eyes and the next thing they knew, they pressed against each other, kissing with months of pent-up desire. Buffy pulled away breathless.
"Does this mean you'll do it?" Angel pulled her back to him, answering her with his kisses. Buffy ran her hands through his hair and rubbed up against him. With a soft growl from his chest, he pushed her back on the bed. She thrilled at the fact that she could bring out such a reaction in him. As her hands moved down his back and to the hem of his shirt, danger signals flashed through his head. Reluctantly, he pulled away from her warm body.
"Angel?" she said reaching out for him, but he avoided her grasp.
"We can't, Buffy. Not yet. If we lose control or get carried away.." Buffy nodded in agreement and understanding.
"I guess you should go then."
"Yeah." They got off the bed and walked to the door. He opened it and then turned back to her. "I'll see you tomorrow." Buffy leaned back against the door frame. Angel reached up and lovingly touched her cheek. Suddenly, they were in each other's arms, kissing hungrily once again. But they knew they couldn't get lost in each other like they wanted to. They had to pull away. Buffy kept her arms tightly wrapped around his neck and his circled her waist.
"I just can't get enough of you," she murmured, nuzzling his neck.
"I know the feeling," he responded. "But we have to wait." Angel untangled himself from her arms. "Get some rest. You're gonna need it," he said with a smile.
Buffy had spoken to Willow earlier and everything was ready. Willow lit some candles and Buffy and Angel knelt in the middle of a circle of blue sand that Tara spread.
"Okay," Willow said, bringing everyone's attention to her. "Please stand in a circle around the sand. We need to focus all our good energy on Angel." Willow focused her words on Buffy and Angel. "Whenever you guys are ready."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Angel asked.
"I love you," he said softly.
"I know," she whispered back. "I love you, too." He reached up and tenderly ran his fingers over the scar he had given her at graduation. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his hand on her skin. He bent his head to her neck and lightly brushed his lips against her neck. Then, he let his fangs elongate and carefully bit down on her jugular. Buffy winced as pain shot through her neck, but she held Angel tightly to her. In the background Willow and Tara began chanting in Latin.
Buffy began to feel weak, but suddenly he wasn't drinking from her any longer. She opened her eyes. Angel was lying on the ground. His eyes glowed yellow and his face contorted in pain. The chanting was faster. The sand circling them glowed and the candles burned brighter. Buffy wanted to reach out to her lover and take away the pain, but she didn't want to interrupt the spell. Angel's body arched off the floor as the demon was ripped from his body. He fell back and dropped into unconsciousness. The chanting and glowing sand stopped and the candles went out. Buffy paused a moment in shock, then crawled over to where Angel lay and placed her hand on his chest.
"His heart's beating and he's breathing," she said, letting out a sigh of relief. "But why isn't he awake?" she asked, looking over her shoulder. Her expression and voice were filled with worry.
"It took a lot out of him," Giles explained. "Give him a few minutes to recuperate." Buffy nodded, but did not leave Angel's side. Instead, she curled up on the floor next to him and wrapped her arms around him. She was afraid if she let go of him or looked way, even for only a second, he would slip away from her.
Willow and Tara sat and Wesley went to get them water. The spell had taken a lot out of them, but they were more concerned with their friends. Everyone else had broken into small groups, talking quietly and waiting for Angel to wake up. Slowly, he stirred. Buffy sat up and cradled his head in her lap.
"That's it, baby. Come back to me," she murmured in his ear. His eyes blinked open and he saw her looking down at him. Buffy helped him as he struggled to sit up.
"Are you okay?" were the first words out of his mouth. Buffy smiled. He always put her first.
"Yes," she replied. With a quick movement, he pulled her head to his. Their mouths met in a blissful kiss filled with relief, happiness, desire, and love. When their kiss ended, Angel pulled his lover onto his lap and they pressed their foreheads together. Buffy let out a short golden laugh.
"I can't believe this is happening."
"I know. I love you so much."
"I love you, too." She leaned in and kissed him again.
The others watched their interaction filled with tender touches, whispered words, and sweet kisses. No one spoke, not wanting to disturb the intimate moment. No one had ever witnessed such pure, untainted, true love before. This love was evident as the two lovers melted together with a passionate kiss. Part 6
Buffy and Angel got up from their place on the floor and walked over to where their friends were standing. Wesley and Cordelia moved to congratulate him on his new found humanity. Buffy reached out and pulled Willow and Tara into an embrace.
"Thank you," she whispered to her friends. Hugs and handshakes moved around the group, happy and grateful for the success of the spell. Buffy stepped back into Angel's arms feeling immediately comfortable there. He rested his chin on the top of her head. Willow, ever the romantic, was thrilled that they were finally together and was glad she could give them that.
"I guess you two have a lot of catching up to do."
"Yes, catching up, definitely." Buffy grinned, getting Willow's meaning, grabbed Angel's hand, and practically dragged him towards the stairs. When they were out of earshot, Anya made a typical, tact-lacking comment.
"They're going to have sex."
"Oh yeah."
Buffy led Angel into his bedroom and closed the door. She pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissing down her neck. She dropped her head back, enjoying every second of it.
"You know that wasn't very subtle, right?"
"I know," she said, moving her hands over his solid body. "And I don't care." She pulled him back down to her and their lips met hungrily. She led him over to the bed and they lay down, still kissing.
Buffy rolled over and snuggled closer to Angel. They were both spent. They had been in upstairs for a few hours, making love and talking. Surprisingly, they had actually done a lot of catching up. He turned to her, kissing her forehead.
"Hungry?" She nodded. "Let's go get something to eat." They climbed from under the covers and got dressed. They went downstairs and found a note from the others saying they had gone out. Angel and Buffy went into the kitchen and took some food out of the refrigerator. Cordelia, Willow, and Tara had gone shopping the first night they had stayed at the hotel. They ate quickly and silently, both starving. Buffy finished her sandwich and hopped up on the counter.
"So, what do we do next?" Angel stepped between her legs and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her softly on the mouth. "I have a few ideas," he said seductively. Buffy smiled.
"Good to know you kept some of that vamp stamina, but I meant in the long run. As much as I would just love to stay in bed with you for the rest of my life, there is serious stuff we have to think about. You're human now and you'll probably have to get a job and stuff. I still have to go back to Sunnydale. I have to go to school and my family is there and all my friends. I'll understand if you want to stay here because you have a life here and...."
"Buffy," Angel interrupted, "I don't want to stay in Los Angeles. I want to stay with you. Everything I have here was just something to do because I couldn't be with you." He kissed her gently. " I can move back to Sunnydale and get a job there. There's nothing keeping me here." He paused, realizing something. "Except Wolfram and Hart."
"What do you mean, Angel?"
"I can't just leave them to do harm to people. I need to get them off my shoulders."
"Do you have an idea?" He thought about it for a moment.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Buffy whispered to Angel. He nodded slightly to his girlfriend who walked next to him in a navy suit with her hair pulled back in a neat bun. Angel also had on a suit and they walked confidently through the halls of Wolfram & Hart. They made their way up to Lindsay's office unstopped and found the door unlocked. They stepped inside and closed the door firmly.
"Wow, the security in this place sucks. If you're such a threat to these people, you would think they would lock the door."
"Well, they don't expect me to be human."
"Good point." She slipped her arms around his waist and kissed him. He let it deepen for a moment, then pulled away.
"We're here on a mission."
"You're right," she said, getting serious. She started to go throught the desk and Angel opened the file cabinets. He searched for a minute, then pulled out a few files and put them in the empty briefcase he was carrying. They froze when the door opened. Lindsay came in talking on the cell phone. He had closed the door and come into the room a few steps before noticing the intruders in his office. He stopped in his tracks.
"I'll call you back," he said distractedly into his phone and hung up. "Angel."
"Hello Lindsay," he said calmly. Immediately, Buffy felt a strong hatred for one of the people that had caused her sweet Angel such torment.
"How'd you get in here?" the slightly frightened lawyer asked.
"Magic," Angel responded with a smirk. Buffy moved closer to her boyfriend.
"Did you get everything you need?" she asked softly. He took her hand and nodded.
"Let's go." They headed for the door completely ignoring Lindsay until he stepped in their path.
"Do you really thing I'm gonna let you and your little bitch walk out of here?" Without warning, Buffy swung out with all her strength and punched him squarely in the jaw. He flew against the wall and slid to the ground. She moved quickly and stood looming over him.
"First of all, don't EVER call me a bitch. Second of all, you WILL just let us walk out of here." She took his cell phone and smashed it against the wall. She gestured to Angel and he ripped the other phone from the wall. "Listen mister, I have a very strong dislike for you. You screwed with my boyfriend and that doesn't sit well with me. For all the annoyance you've caused him, I should kill you right now." She punched him again. His lip was split and his nose was bleeding. "However, I'm not going to kill you now. But if you in any way prevent us from getting out of this building or come after us after we leave, don't think I will be so nice." She punched him a few more times for good measure. She stepped away leaving Lindsay half unconscious. She held her hand out to Angel, who was at her side immediately. They both glared at Lindsay as they left the office. They made their way out of the building safely and got into Angel's car. Angel started to drive. Buffy climbed into the back seat and struggled out of her business suit which was so not her style.
"You know, baby, you didn't have to beat the crap out of him."
"I know," she replied, pulling on her jeans. "But he pissed me off." He pulled up to a red light and she wrapped her arms around him from behind.
"Did I tell you how handsome you look in a suit?" She kissed his cheek and he grinned. The light changed to green and they continued to the police station. They got there, parked the car and got out. Angel tool off his suit jacket and tie and threw them in the back seat. He grabbed the briefcase and they entered the station making their way to Kate's desk.
"Angel. What a nice surprise," she said with a strong hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Buffy, right?" she said to his companion. Buffy nodded. All of a sudden, the blond police officer realized something. "Uh, Angel, it's the middle of the day. What's going on?"
"Yeah, that's the thing. I'm human now." Kate's jaw dropped slightly. "I'm just finishing up some business before I go back to Sunnydale with Buffy." He reached back and took his girlfriend's hand. He put the briefcase on Kate's desk. "In here are incriminating files on Wolfram & Hart. Do with them what you will. I just needed to have this be out of my hands so I could leave." Kate nodded. "Well," Angel said, ready to leave, "it's been nice working with you."
"You too," Kate said still slightly confused. Angel turned, slipping his arm around Buffy's waist as they walked out together into the sunlight. She turned to him, continually marvelling at her lover in the sun. She kissed him deeply and then, hugged him tightly to her and rested her head on his chest.
"Let's go home."