TITLE: I Understand AUTHOR: Reed (iheartbareed@yahoo.com) DISCLAIMER: Not mine. TIMELINE: After tonight's eppie (sorry don't know that name.) SPOILERS: For tonight's eppie. SYNOPSIS: Buffy writes a letter to Angel after talking to Spike. FEEDBACK:I have no clue if this is going to make sense outside of my head. So please let me know what you think!!!!!!! NOTES: I wrote this really really quick so it's unbetaed. _____
I know it's been so long since we've talked. Longer since we've talked openly without hiding behind a variety of masks. When we met after I came back, I know I told you that we should stay apart. Isn't that what we've always said? Stay apart, it's too dangerous to be together. I wish... well, no I've learned not to wish for things. It always goes awry. Anya's back in the vengeance game so we're being all careful.
Anyway, this letter isn't about Anya. It's about you and me. And Spike.
It's complicated.
When I came back, I was screwed up. Emotionally, not physically or anything. Spike and I ended up in some kind of codependent.........thing. I can't describe it nor do I particularly want to. But I ended the thing and then there was another type of thing, then Spike left. Then there was a bunch of other things......I guess I'm really not good at explaining things, but it's not really important.
Spike has his soul. Shocking, huh?
I never saw you in the aftermath of when you got your soul back. The first time was decades before I was born and the second time was...well we weren't together and we don't need to get into that now. Spike said that you should have warned him about the pain, but how could you have known that one day he would experience the same thing? But when he mentioned you, I saw you in his place, all the pain and the regret. I'm sorry that I put you through that and that you had to go through it alone.
You told me once that Spike was a poet before he was turned. You told me that he was awful but I guess time improved him or something because he now seems to have a very powerful way with words. The way he described what he was feeling, although tainted with a little insanity, broke my heart. For both of you. He made me understand. Or at least I think I understand.
You never told me so many things. We were never big with the deep talks. I guess we were to scared of where things would lead. You wanted to protect me from your past and I wanted to protect you from your past, so we just stayed away. But because of that I never saw how hard it was for you.
I think I'm rambling so I'll try to get to the point. I love and miss you. I've finally come to terms with the fact that these two feelings will be a permanant part of my life. But I finally understand why you left. I could see you through Spike, your motives - the fear of causing pain, the fear of having to face the wrenching grief yourself - shone through in the grief in his eyes.
I don't know if this makes any sense to you, but I guess I needed to tell you how I felt. I wanted to have some contact with you. Maybe you could give me a call sometime? I'd love to hear the sound of your voice.
I miss you. I love you. I understand.