Title: The Whole Point Author: Samantha E-mail: wicca_chic4@hotmail.comDisclaimer: Joss Whedon and the people at The WB and UPN Timeline: Season 6 BTVS/Season 3 ATS Spoilers: Season 1-3 Summary: Buffy thinks about Angel Distribution: Want, Take, Have Authors Notes: This is my first ever Fic so please have mercy Feedback: Please, please, please Rating: PG
You always hear about true love. People go on and on about how incredibly wonderful it is and how great it makes you feel. They don't know what the hell their talking about. It's hard and painful and confusing, yet so amazing you want to cry. It's passion and heartache and tears.
Everyone thinks that once you find "the one" you're set for life. It doesn't work that way. See, I fell in love with Angel the first time I saw him. Even when I knocked him down in that alley, I knew. He was my "one" I knew that no matter what happened I would love him forever, because that's the whole point. I knew he loved me and I knew that he'd do anything for me. I wish I didn't. If I didn't know that, if I didn't really believe it, then maybe I wouldn't have to forgive him for leaving me.
When he left I cried for weeks. I would just stay in my room and rock back and forth, wallowing in the pain. I didn't know what I would do. I needed him. I needed to know that he loved me and that no matter what he would always be there for me. I thought that because he wasn't there he had just stopped caring. I was wrong. It was because he cared that he left. It took me two years to realize that, even though deep down I knew it all along. And now, even though he's not here, I know that he'll love me forever, because that's the whole point.