Title: Changes Author: Kate Disclaimer: I wish I owned Buffy and Angel, but unfortunately I do not. 20th Century Fox and all those other (*cough* Joss *cough*) people do. Spoilers: S5 finale and all of S6/S3 Summary: Just some of Buffys random thoughts in her POV. Timeline: Sometime after "Gone"/"Provider" Rating: R just for language though AN: Some of this doesnt exactly follow cannon, but I think thats okay. I wrote this in the span of about 15 minutes or so. I was extremely bored in Spanish class so... Also this is my first post. Feedback: I would love you forever! Please...If you liked it tell me Id love to know. If you didnt like tell me why, but please dont mean. Either way Id love to know.
Mailto: mailto:Summersgirlvs3@cs.com
Ive been around this town for about six years, now and Ive seen a lot of crazy shit. Im twenty-one years old and Ive died twice. Literally.
The first time I died was... weird. I dont know how else to explain it. I was revived, if you havent guessed that already. One of my best friends brought me back. That seems to be happening to me a lot, lately.
The second time was painful. But I saved the world, thats gotta count for something right. I figured it was about time. Cause so far my lover, ex now, had sacrificed his a couple of times. Well, the first time was more like he *got* sacrificed. It was one of my better days when he came back.
Point is, I jumped to save the world that time and I just knew it was the right thing to do. Jumping into that portal thing or whatever was painful, but the last thing I thought about was him. I thought about his breathtakingly gorgeous smile. I thought about his adorable laugh and his deep chocolate eyes. It was amazing to me because in that moment I knew that in twenty years, after all the heartbreak and the gut-wrenching pain, he was the only one who completely took my breath away, who I truly loved with everything in me.
Even after all the doubt in the back of my mind I knew that no one else could kiss me like Angel did and make my heart plummet right down into my stomach. He made me feel alive and even with the short time that we had together I still knew that I absolutely loved him and I will love him forever.
So now Im left wondering, that if Im back from this "great, epiphany-like fall", why is it that I am here screwing Spike every chance I get and hes in LA with his *SON* probably dating Cordelia or so I hear.
Things sure have turned out the exact opposite of what they were supposed to.