Love And Tennis


Love And Tennis
Fly Away
Truth, Lies And Secrets...Revealed

Title: Love and Tennis
Disclaimer: I don't own any BtVS or ATS characters. Never have, never will.
Author: Katch (a.k.a 'Kate')
Rating: R - NC-17 (maybe)
Feedback: Please!! I totally need to know if I'm writing this for no reason
or if someone might actually read it.
Timeline: AU
Summary: Buffy is a photographer and is Angel is a tennis player. Stuff
AN: I know I'm supposed to be finishing Fly Away and I also started another
fic as well, but I just had this idea stuck in my head. So I thought I'd see
what you guys think about it.
AN2: Also if you have questions about the tennis terms, just ask me.

// ** indicates scene change ** \\


Part 1

"Double Match Point" the Chair Umpire said monotonously into the microphone.

"All right, go for the Ace, Kate." She said to herself. She threw the ball up
for serve and it hit the court for Ace. It was her third one this match.

"Come On!!!" Kate yelled. She turned to the stands and smiled at her sister,
Buffy and her coach, their Dad. Buffy returned the smile and got up to meet
her outside the locker rooms.

This was such a familiarity to Buffy. She was always at every match in every
tournament. She hadn't missed one since she was born. It was usually for
moral support, but now it was also for her job. A photographer. But moral
support would always be her number one job. It was at first for her father,
but now for her younger sister.

Tennis had always been a big part of her family and now it was even bigger.
Her sister was now a 19 year old Tennis player and their father, her coach.
She, herself, was a popular photographer for every top name in tennis. So, of
course, that included her sister, Kate Summers, and their father, Billy
Summers. Their Dad, in his prime, hit number one in the world and stayed that
way for five years. It's a hard thing to do in tennis.

Ever since she could remember, she and her sister had always loved tennes,
but it was Kate who had a passion for it. Just like their dad.

"You ready?"

"What?" Buffy jumped before realizing it was just her sister.

Kate smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

"Oh! Yeah." Buffy blushed, slightly and fell into step with her sister.

"What were you thinking 'bout?"  

"Nothing. Just spacing." Buffy declared. "By the way, you did well today."

"Thanks." Kate replied.

Kate reached the car door first and opened it for Buffy and got in after her.
"Where to, Ms. Summers?" The driver asked politely.

"You hungry?" Buffy asked.

Kate nodded vigorously. "Starving"

"What do you want?"

"UmTournament Trophy." Buffy laughed. "Okay, how about a big, fat hamburger
with some greasy fires and an ultra fattening milk shake."

As Buffy nodded the driver took off. "It's not fair you can afford to eat
that stuff."

"Ha! You try playing tennis all day, every day."

"Liar" Buffy accused. "You know you love it."

Kate nodded. "I do. More than anything."


"ID?" The security officer asked nonchalantly.

"ID?!" Kate questioned him in disbelief.

The Officer nodded. "Yes, mam."

"Why do I need an ID? I've been coming here for the last three days! You know
me! We had a conversation yesterday!" Kate was in shock.

"It's new security measures. I-I-"

"Well," She started sounding faintly defeated. "I don't have my ID."

"It's all right, Earl. Just this once, scan her in with me."

Kate turned around to set eyes on an exceptionally good looking guy. He had a
few inches on her with dark blue eyes like the ocean at night and dark hair
spiked in every direction. He was dressed in sportswear, as was expected here
at Ash Stadium for all the athletes and their coaches, and he seemed to be in
a hurry.

Kate snapped out of her daze and ran up to him. "Hey. Thanks back there." He
nodded. "I'm, uh, Kate. Kate Summers."

He nodded again. "I know who you are."

Kate blushed. "I feel kind of embarrassed. I-I don't know who you are."

"Well," he chuckled under his breath. "You wouldn't."

He walked off leaving her more than a little stunned. "Uhhhh" She groaned in

Part 2

The match was just about to start when Buffy spotted Kate walking into the
stands. They had decided to meet at the McKellan-Philips match and watch the
beginning together before Buffy had to go down and get her time in for

Angel McKellan was the new Irish tennis player. He was twenty-four, coming
into the game rather late, but quickly ranking twelve in the world. He was to
play Shane Philips today in their first round match.

"Hey, you! Where've you been?"

Kate snapped out of her stupor when she heard her dad's voice. "I-I was
held up with the, uh, security guard."

Kate plopped down in the seat next to her sister. Buffy smiled triumphantly.
"So who's the guy?"

She turned and furrowed her brows. "I don't know, but he's irritating as

"One of those, huh?" Buffy replied. "Does he play?"

"I don't know. I didn't have my ID so he scanned me in on his." Kate threw
her hands up in defeat.

Buffy shrugged. "Maybe he'll show."

Kate nodded. "Maybe."


"Watch his serve."

"I know."

"And watch his forehand, too."

"Alex!" Angel admonished his brother. "It's the first round and I'm 2-0
against this lad."

"Right." Alex nodded.

Angel chuckled and tightened his shoelaces. His brother had always been
nervous before every first round match. Once he won, he wasn't nervous again
till the final.

"Angel, shall we go? Philips is ready in the tunnel." Angel looked at Alex
and then grabbed his bags and followed his coach out. Rupert Giles had been
his coach since taking him on as a charge at sixteen.

Angel walked through the tunnel and out onto the court. He took his seat and
started to go through his bags when Alex called his name.

"Yeah?" Angel yelled back.

"One match at a time." Angel nodded and smiled in confirmation.


"Hey, Dad?" Kate called to him.

"Yeah, pumpkin?"

"Is it really true Angel McKellan won the Clay Court Tournament without
dropping a set?"

"It's true. This kid is phenomenal." Billy told her.

"I heard he's the next Pete Sampras." Buffy replied.

"I'll be damned."

"What?" Buffy asked.

"That's him."


Kate nodded her in the direction of the tunnel. "The guy in the tunnel.
That's him."

"The annoying guy?" Kate nodded. "He's cute!"

"Yeah? Well, so's his brother."

"What? I thought you didn't know him." Buffy asked, thoroughly confused.

"No." Kate said frustrated. "I mean Angel McKellan. I heard he had brother.
Supposedly, they've played tennis together since they were kids. Their coach,
Rupert Giles, has been with them since their parents died."

"Wow!" Buffy breathed. "How?"

"I don't know." Kate told her as she looked away from the tunnel. "Rumor has
it, that Alex could be as good as Angel, but he's wild. Can't place his shots
and he's dangerous as crap on a court. The big thing is he hasn't been in any
Grand Slam Tournaments. This is his first."

"How'd he do in the Qualifyings?" Buffy asked her.

"Well, they both got through it without breaking a sweat. It wouldn't be such
a big thing if Alex had played in a tournament before."

"Where do you get this stuff?"

"Buffy, you should come visit the locker rooms one day."

Buffy shook her head in disbelief. She had to get some photos of these
McKellan boys before somebody else did and they had to be awesome. Buffy
grabbed her camera equipment and ran down to the courtside seats. 

Buffy pushed her way through the hoard of photographers to get herself as
close to the court as possible.

"Excuse me!" Some smug photographer screamed at her.

Buffy stopped and sneered at him. "You're excused!" Buffy looked down on him
and then keep on walking. "For being a jerk." She muttered. You had to be
rough with these competing photographers. They all thought they were the
second coming.

Buffy sat down and unloaded her gear as McKellan went up three games to love
in the first set.

After about twenty minutes Angel was down 40 love and Buffy was snapping
pictures with a renewed vigor as Angel screamed at himself. She always thought
 the best pictures were the ones of the players showing real emotion out

Buffy looked up, made eye contact with him and smiled.

He's gorgeous, Buffy thought to herself.

She couldn't help but laugh when he tripped over his own feet, losing a

Part 3

 "He's good." Kate stated.

"Yes, he is." Her dad agreed. "It makes me glad you're not male."

Kate smiled as Angel tripped on the court allowing Philips to take the lead.
"I could take him."

"Don't be so sure, Kate."

"Why?!" Kate reeled, but her dad was too busy shaking his finger at McKellan
for getting distracted.

"Kid just tripped over his own damn feet! Odds are he saw some pretty girl
and couldn't keep his hormones in check." Billy shook his head and turned to
his youngest daughter. "I don't ever want to see you get distracted like
that. Understood? Tennis is your number one priority, not boys."

"Dad, he was just--"

"No. Always keep your head in the game and your eye on the ball. You can't
afford to get distracted." He instructed firmly.

Kate shot up out of her seat and glared at her father. "Ya know Dad, it's no
wonder Buffy gave up tennis, who can learn anything with you breathing down
their necks every five seconds!" And with that she stalked off.

"Kate! Sweetheart? Come back here!" Billy said, keeping up appearances while
watching her retreating figure.

"Did you see her?" Angel asked his brother. Angel had just stepped out of the
locker rooms from a three set victory over Shane Philips. Although he had
won, he was more excited about the blond goddess sitting in the courtside

"See who?"

"See who!" Angel practically screamed in annoyance. "The blond photographer!"
Alex shook his head. "The blond with that beautiful, breathtaking smile. How
could you miss her?"

"Is she the reason you tripped?" Alex chuckled.

"Yes." He groaned. "I can't believe you didn't see her? She was - Mo Dia,
help me!"

Alex laughed. "She's that pretty, huh? Wow!"

Angel looked at him with serious eyes. "She's more than that, Alex. There's
just something about her."

"It's a shame you don't even know her name."

"Ha. Ha." Angel faked. "That's not funny. I *have* to know this girls' name."

Alex furrowed his brows in disbelief. "You're serious, aren't you?'

Angel shook his head as the two of them walked to the car. "I've never been
more serious."

"It's gonna be one hell of a tournament." Alex muttered and filed into the
car behind Angel.

"Mr. Price, she's good enough to win this."

"Then what on earth are you worried about, Mr. Summers?"

Billy Summers was in the middle of Wesley Wyndam-Price's office, begging him
to help his daughter. It wasn't that he didn't believe his daughter could win
the tournament, but he just knew it would kill her if she didn't. Kate had
lost matches before, even tournaments, but she'd not lost a tournament she'd
entered since she was 16, playing in the Juniors.

Besides, Billy thought to himself, his daughters knew nothing of money or the
pain of losing in front a crowd of thousands. He had to ensure that they
wouldn't get hurt.

"Mr. Price, Kate is starting to get distracted again and I'm sure you know
what happened last time."

Wesley nodded. "Ah, yes. That was one of the reasons your oldest ceased
playing, isn't it?"

Billy nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. She could've been great."

"I agree, but a photographer not a bad profession, if you ask me." Wesley
told him.

"Yes, well, I didn't. So we're in agreement. You'll help me?"

Wesley contemplated it for a moment before shaking his head. "No. But I do
have an acquaintance that could help you." Wesley flipped through a folder on
his desk and pulled out a business card.

"Wolfram and Hart? I don't want a bunch of head-stuck-up-their-ass-lawyers!"

Wesley smiled. "They do other things, Billy. They could help you-for a

Billy Summers looked from the card to Wesley with a new kind of realization
on his face. He'd do whatever he had to, to help his girls. "Thank you." He
picked up his jacket and walked out the door.

Wesley chuckled, deviously. "Good Luck with that, Mr. Summers."

It was the next morning before Kate got out onto the courts to loosen up.
Buffy was snapping away with her camera as Kate smashed a ball across the
court nearly taking her arm with it.

"What is your problem, Kate?" Buffy screamed at her.

She took a deep breath and walked up to the net. "I got in a fight with Dad

"You and Dad are always fighting. Why is this so different?"

"I don't know. He got me all riled up, I guess."

Buffy took a deep breath and really looked at her sister. "Ya know what, I
think we should go guy huntin' tonight."

Kate brightened. "Really?"

Buffy nodded. "Win or lose the match today, you and me are goin' clubbin'."

Kate squealed in joy and ran around the net. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Part 4

"Isn't that her coach?"

Lindsay twisted around to see where his young charge was looking. "Yes." He

"So that's her Dad, right?"

Lindsay turned back around towards the court. "Yes, Faith."

Faith Anderson and her coach, Lindsay McDonald, were in the stands to see the
Women's Second Round match. First up was supposed to be Paige Graph and Kate
Faith already knew why they were there; Kate Summers had beaten her numerous
times and was a dangerous player to Faith. She knew that, which was why they
were there.

"Now, Faith, you keep a close eye on all her moves, all right?"


"Faith, try to have a little more enthusiasm about this, would ya? I know you
adore Billy Summers, but if you want any chance at winning this tournament,
you are going to have to defeat his daughter."

"I don't see why we're here. How many times has she beaten me in straight
sets and lets not forget all the times she beat me in four sets with an
injury!" Faith told him.

"Faith" He ordered.

"No! Every time I've played her, I've lost and I've played her a lot. You go
out there, under a crowd of hundreds, and play an opponent you know you've
never beaten. You go out there and know deep down, that odds are they're
gonna beat you again!" Faith sneered at him annoyance. "Screw this!" and
walked off.

Lindsay sighed and rubbed his temples. "I need another job."

The beat of drums pulsed through the den of gyrating bodies as the door to
"Drowning" swung open. "Drowning" was the hottest night club in Flushing
Meadows, New York. Everyone who was anyone was there or so he'd heard. This
wasn't really his scene, but his brother and their best friend, Will had
dragged him out.

So here he was sitting at the bar watching the disgusting display of what a
demented person might call dancing. Maybe. It wasn't just anyone's dancing
either. It was Will and his brother practically molesting some girls whom
didn't seem to mind, And, by the way, were parading around in barely there
outfits. When his brother finally got a girl who wore clothes and had half a
brain, it would be a miracle.

"Mate, we're at a night club full of the hottest, fittest ladies I've ever
seen and you're sitting here, lookin' like some bastard ran over your fucking


"--It's Spike!"

Angel rolled his eyes and nodded. "Spike, no one ran over my damn puppy."

"Ah," Spike held up a finger. "But they ran over your dream girl, right?"

Angel's head whipped around. "How the hell do you know about her?"

"Peaches, are you fuckin' dense? Who do you think told me?!" Angel shook his

Spike slapped a hand on the bar and ordered a drink. "Way I see it mate, you
got two choices: one, you find the girl and ask her to dance or two, you go
through the rest of your one night stands, still thinking about the chick you
*almost* screwed."

"Awww, Spike. You have such a way with words."

Spike grinned. "Thanks, mate!" Spike stood and slapped Alex on the back. "I
got dibs on the next dance with your lass." Alex nodded.

Alex groaned as he sat down on the stool next to Angel. "Don't listen to him;
he's got balls for brains. It's amazing he can play tennis and think at the
same time."

Angel sighed and ran a hand through his dark, spiked hair. "He could possibly
be right."

Alex turned, whispered something to the bartender and then turned back
around. "Do you know what I think?"

"Probably not."

"I think, you *should* ask her to dance and maybe you could even ask her

"No shit, Sherlock. Except there's a flaw in your plan."

"And what's that, Angel?"

"Well, Alex, I don't know where she is."

"Is that all? Well, I can help you with that."

Angel nodded. "Really? How?"

"Well, I believe, she's right over there."

Angel looked past the dance floor and his heart stopped. There she was,
sitting just so on a stool, sipping her drink, laughing at something. She was
beautiful. He could already feel the butterflies in his stomach.

"Well? Are you gonna go over there or not?" Alex nagged.

Angel nodded, slowly. "Yeah, I'm goin'"

"So when are they supposed to be here?"

"Soon." Buffy told her younger sister. They were sitting in *the* hottest
club in Flushing Meadows. Every top athlete who was in Flushing Meadows came
here. The place was always slammin' and everywhere you looked there was

"So, do you think Will and Oz are doing okay? I mean, after that bumpy patch
they had?" Kate asked.

Buffy was about to answer her when a really cute guy walked up to their table
with drinks. "The gentleman at the bar sends you his regards." He set the
drinks on the table and walked away.

Buffy sneaked a look at the bar and saw Angel McKellan sitting with a fairly
familiar guy. Buffy returned a smile in thanks.

"That's so sweet!" Buffy practically squealed.

"I guess." Kate looked disgusted.

"What do you mean, 'I guess'? This is sweet."

"What do you think he sees in girls like that?" Kate mused.

Buffy looked over at the dance floor and saw what had gotten her sister so
distracted. "Kate, you know Spike Evans is so not worth it. He screwed us
both. Literally."

Kate dropped her head on the table and groaned. "Don't remind me" She

"Remind you of what?"

Kate literally jumped out of her seat when she heard that voice. "Cole!" She
squealed. Kate leaped out of her seat and threw her arms around him. Kate
reared back and looked at him seriously. "You're late."

"I'm sorry. We got held up."

"We?" Buffy asked curiously.

"That would be us." Buffy looked behind her sister's best friend Cole Rabb
and saw her two very best friends.

"Will, Xan!"

"Well, peaches, I think you missed your chance." Spike laughed.

"Fuckin' hilarious, Spike!" Angel sneered.

Angel's comment fell on dead ears as Spike looked over at the full table.
"Jesus Christ and throw Mary and Joseph in there for good measure, I know
those girls!"

"What!?" Angel and Alex asked surprised.

"The blonde and the brunette." Spike grinned a satisfied smile. "Oh, yeah.
The Summers Sisters, I know them."

Part 5

// "And don't even think about dragging your drunken carcass back into my
house! Ya lazy ass bum!"

"Yeah, well fuck you too! Ya drunk bastard!"

That was the night he got kicked out of his own house, for good. William
Evans and his family had just moved to Los Angeles from New York. It hadn't
been a month and he was already out on the street.

<<Father's hands
Are lined with guilt
For tearing us apart>>

"Screw this! I got bloody better things to do anyway! I don't need you!" he

He was drunk, he knew that, but he also knew that it was time to party. So
that night instead of begging to come back home like he always did, he ended
up in a club.

That was the night that changed his life. He couldn't remember her name but,
she was pure, innocent and athletic. To him, it couldn't get any better.

<<Guess it turned
Out in the end
Just look at
Where we are
Made it out, still got
Clothing on our backs>>

It turned out he was right, well, for a while anyway. He'd had to admit, she
was one of the best fucks he'd had in a long time, but in the end it had been
a mistake sleeping with her. Her father was a mean son of bitch.

By early the next morning, he'd found out that she was an up and coming
tennis player and her father had hired a bodyguard for her. The bloody
bodyguard had squealed and dearest daddy got him thrown in jail.

Spending a few nights in jail can really change a person. He was living
proof. Once he got out, he changed his whole demeanor and that meant laying
off the boos and the drugs. If he was gonna make something of himself he'd
have to do it right.

William was no more. It was Spike and he was gonna show his father exactly
what he'd kicked out.

" 'Lazy bum', my fucking ass!"

<<And now I scream about it
How it's so bad
It's so bad

It's too bad
It's too bad
Too late
So wrong
So long
It's too bad that
We had no time to rewind
Let's walk
Let's talk
Let's talk>> \\

"How do you know them?" Angel asked rather harshly.

A little smirk drew across Spike's lips. "I think met them in a club once."

"You think? What the hell does that mean?" Angel asked again.

"Now, does that really matter, peaches? Shouldn't you be asking the girl to
dance?" Spike dodged.

Angel eyed him but stood and began to slowly walk over to Buffy's table.

"So I hear you've been doing pretty well."

Kate smiled at her long time friend, Cole David Rabb and nodded. "Not too

"Not too bad?! You've been kicking some major ass!" Xander corrected

As Buffy took another sip of her mocha, Anya, Xander's girlfriend whom she
had finally gotten to be friends with, leaned over and whispered in her ear.
"Don't look now, but there is a major hottie, practically drooling over you
and I think he's coming this way."

"What?!" Buffy squealed.

"No way, Buffy. We don't date tennis players." Kate reminded her.

"Oh come on!" Buffy whined and snuck a peek at her admirer, happy to see it
was Angel McKellan.

Kate snapped her gaze back to Buffy. "Buffy, do you wanna step into my office
so I can kick you out! Get a hold of yourself."

"Who is this guy? What is going on? What are you chicks talking about?"
Xander questioned. He didn't know who this guy was but, he didn't like him

"Buffy.  No--"  Kate was just about to inform her sister of what had happened
last time when the guy in question walked up to her, looking all nervous and
shit. This guy was dangerous to them, she could tell.

"Hey." Buffy replied.

Angel held out his hand. "Dance with me?"

"Sure." Kate glared. "It's just one dance sis'" Buffy whispered in her ear
and walked towards the dance floor with Angel.

"I don't like him." Xander commented.

"You don't even know him." Willow defended.

"Don't have to, Will. I just don't like him. He was smug." Xander nodded,
more to himself than anyone.

"Aren't they a bloody perfect picture?" Spike complained.


Spike shook his head and cursed under his breath. "Don' tell me the other
one's got you too?"

"What other one?" Alex asked incredulously.

"Don't act dense, McKellan. I'm talking 'bout the other sister; the tennis

"Go screw yourself, William." Alex replied angrily.

"Now, that wasn't very nice." Spike slurred. "Just cause I've had lil' sis'
and you haven't, doesn't mean doesn't mean"

"Your wasted, Spike. Go home."

"Yeah. I think I'll do that." Spike fell out of his seat, dragged himself to
his feet, and headed for the door.

"Drunk, bastard." Alex rasped.

"I heard that, McKellan!" Spike yelled back.

<< It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing>>

"I didn't realize you danced. I mean, I've seen you here before it's just"
Buffy babbled.

"I don't."

Buffy eyed him curiously and then giggled. "Right So you did really well out
on the court today."

"Thanks but, if you don't mind, could we not talk about tennis?" Angel asked

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

<< The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all >>

"Let's talk about you."

"Me? What's so interesting about me?" Buffy laughed.

Angel smirked. "I don't know. You tell me."

Buffy nodded slowly. "Right, okay. Hi, I'm Buffy Summers and I'm a
photographer for all the top names in pro tennis."

'That's it? Nothing else." Angel asked.

"What else am I supposed to say?" Buffy smiled.

Angel pulled her closer and softy whispered in her ear. "Say you'll go out
with me tomorrow night."

Buffy pulled back, took in his appearance and smiled. "I'd love to"

<< All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine >>

"Is there a reason you're so against her hanging around Angel McKellan?" Cole
asked Kate as he dragged her out on the dance floor.

"He's a tennis player. It's like inter-office dating or something." Kate

"Kate. What's the *real* reason?" Cole pushed.

She sighed and eyed Buffy and Angel. "He's trouble."

"Trouble? For her or for you?"

"You're way off base, Cole." Kate admonished.

"Am I? Or are you jealous?" He questioned.

"Cole!" Kate pushed away from him and slammed right into something hard.

<< The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all >>

Part 6

"Can I help you?"

Billy Summers looked at the young woman behind the desk with a sick
determination. "I'm here to see Lilah Morgan."

"Your name, please?" The secretary asked.

"Billy Summers."

The young, African American woman shuffled through her superior's appointment
list for the day, inwardly hoping the day would go by faster. "Um I'm sorry
Mr. Summers, but you don't have an appointment with Ms. Morgan."

"I know, just tell her I'm her." He snapped.

"She's in a meeting." The woman said nonchalantly.

Billy bent down, eye level with the woman and sneered nastily at her. "Ring
her office and tell her I'm fucking here!"  The woman nodded, knocking over
her coffee as she reached for the phone.

"Ms. Morgan...?"

<< There's a place so dark you can't see the end
(Skies cock back) and shock that which can't defend
The rain then sends dripping / an acidic question >>

Billy stepped off the elevator, silently cursing himself for what he was
about to do. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest and his blood
boiling in response. In his right mind he knew there were others ways to go
about rectifying this problem, but here he was.

He took a deep breath and entered the room, he was sure was about to become a
mistake that would blow up in his face

<<Forcefully, the power of suggestion
Then with the eyes shut / looking though the rust and rot
And dust / a small spot of light floods the floor
And pours over the rusted world of pretend
The eyes ease open and its dark again>>

Kate whirled around, already halfway through her apology to find that she had
slammed into the one person she really didn't want to be slamming into.

She groaned in response. "I-I'm really sorry."

He shook his head. "It's all right. I don't think you injured me or

"Well, good. 'Cause I'm sure I don't have the money to pay for theinjuries."
Kate smiled sheepishly.

He returned her smile, flirtatiously. "Was there a problem?"


"No. No, problem." Cole scoffed. "Who might you be?"

"Alex McKellan and you?"

Cole narrowed his eyes. "Cole Rabb." The two young men shook his hands.

Kate could already feel the tension in the air. Everyone on the dance floor
was looking this way, just hoping for a fight. She and her sister had come
here tonight for a good time, not to start fights.

Alex, sensing the tension as well, couldn't help himself. He was a mean son
of bitch or so he thought so. "Say, Miss Summers, care to dance?"

Kate stared at him in shock with her mouth hung open. "Umumsure!" She
finally answered.

Alex took her hand in his and smiled viciously at the other young man.

"Mr. Summers."

"Ms. Morgan." Billy nodded.

Lilah Morgan was in no mood for pleasantries. She'd already lost a case today
and her boss was breathing down her neck like a dog in heat. It was a bad

"Okay, Mr. Summers, I don't know what you want but I'll let you know that I
don't like tennis. In fact, I don't like sports. I'm sure your problem is
serous but I don't help tennis players. I was nice enough to let you up here
but please, leave."

"I was sent here by Mr. Price. He said you could help me. And for the record
I hate pleasantries, so can we just get down to business."

Lilah eyed him with suspicion, but she also knew that Wesley wouldn't send a
client her way if he wasn't worthy. "Mr. Price, huh?" She contemplated it for
a moment and slowly sat down in her chair. "All right, what do you want?"

<<From the top to the bottom
Bottom to top I stop
At the core I've forgotten
In the middle of my thoughts
Taken far from my safety
The picture is there
The memory won't escape me
But why should I care>>

Billy slapped a plain manila folder down on Lilah's desk. As she flipped
through it, Billy began to explain. "Three years ago, I enlisted Mr. Price's
help with my oldest daughter Buffy, whom was a rising tennis player at the
time. She had gotten herself into trouble, of the serious kind."

"You're being a little vague, don't you think?" Lilah told him. "What kind of

"There were two young men by the names of Parker Abrahms and William Evans.
She and her sister, Kate who was sixteen at the time, went out to a club.
They met the two young men and Buffy ended up leaving her sister there with
Evans while she left with Abrahms."

"Ya know, I'm still not seeing the problem here." Lilah said as she filed her

"Buffy slept with Abrahms that night and by the next morning it was all over
the news. Abrahms had worked hard at making sure that every network knew how
horrible my daughter was and how she had paid him to sleep with her. I had
had no other choice but to reprimand her and fix the problem."

"There's more to it than that, right?"

Billy nodded. "Parker Abrahms is the son of a very wealthy businessman whom
supports the USTA in a major way. Buffy could've been thrown out of the game,

"So you went to Mr. Price." Lilah summed up.

"Yes and he directed me to someone else. 'Someone more qualified' he'd said.
His name was McDonald and he made the problem go away. By the next week no
one had ever heard of Parker Abrahms and the wish-wash about my daughter."

Lilah inwardly scowled at Wesley for giving this one to her. God, did she
hate Lindsey McDonald! "And what, did you want me to do the same thing? I've
not seen anything about either of your daughters in the news, lately."

"No, but with the way things are going, it will happen again and soon." Billy
told her, confidently.

"Hey!" Faith Anderson warned as some drunk slammed into her. "This is
valuable merchandise, asshole! Watch where you're goin'!"

Spike Evans whipped around to come face to face with the woman he'd ran into
on his way out of the club. He couldn't seem to catch a break lately. All
he'd wanted to do was go home, get some sleep and hopefully be ready for the
match tomorrow. Which usually wasn't a problem cause he was a master at
holding his liquor.

Spike looked her up and down in a satisfied way. "What's so valuable about

"God, all you drunks are such losers! Get the hell out of my way!" Faith
ordered as she pushed past him.

"So I'll be seein' you around then?" Spike yelled back and to his assurance
found her shooting the finger his way. Spike nodded and smiled. "She's a hot

<<But I'm on the outside
And I'm looking in
I can see through you
See to the real you>>

By the next morning, Angel was out on the courts loosening up. It was more of
a ritual to him, really. He'd been coming out to the courts at the crack of
dawn every morning since his parents died. He and his brother had never been
that close to their parents but, having your parents die is a blow to anyone
he imagined.

So here he was, like every morning, loosening up while waiting for his
brother to drag his lazy ass out of bed and come down to play. This was his
other ritual. It was mostly during tournaments that Alex would come down and
loosen up with him but, it was a comfort nonetheless.

"All right, smart ass, quit daydreaming so I can kick your ass!"

Angel leered. He was ready. "My ass? Brother, you better get yourself a good
load of ice cause you're gonna need it when I get through with you!"

Alex arched his brows. "My, my, aren't we cocky this morning?"

Angel readied himself at the baseline for Alex's serve. "No more than usual,

Alex threw up for serve and bounced back for Angel's return. "Oh, but I beg
to differ, Angel."

Angel smashed the ball across the court with a steady forehand. "How's that?"
 The banter between them was a comfortable familiarity to both of them when
they were so far away from home.

Alex quickly ran across the court and returned the ball over the net to A
ngel. "Way I hear it; you got yourself a date tonight."

Angel ran up to the net and barely tapped the ball over the net, earning him
the first point. "Depends on how you hear it?" Angel smirked, devilishly.

Alex returned his smirk. "Not too bad, bro."

Angel nodded. "Thanks. My serve." The two walked away from the net and back
to the baseline. They continued the game with renewed vigor in both energy
and banter.

"All right!" Their coach, Rupert Giles, yelled as he walked onto the court.
"Were you boys planning on playing some real tennis anytime soon?"

Angel and Alex glanced at each other and grinned. "Let's rip it!" Angel

<<Yo, who got that, that fire?
That fire, I can't lie a'
I need that, that fire
Cause' nothin' else will do (ooh ooh)
Pass me that, that fire
That fire, I can't lie a'
I'm gon' off, that fire
Cause' nothin' else will do (ooh ooh)>>

Part 7

// "This is unrealI can't believe thisThis isn't happening." Buffy
whispered frantically while running her hands through her hair habitually.

"It's gonna be okay." She assured her.

"Buffy, everything's going to be fine. I'm sure your Dad is going to take
care of it." Willow continued.

"She's right, Buffy. Dad'll fix this. I know he will." Kate told her.

Buffy shook her head worriedly. "God, he seemed so genuine, ya know. I can't
get thrown out because of this guy. Oh my God! I feel like I'm in a nightmare
I can't get out of. This just can't be happening."

"Buffy--" Willow started.

"I mean, they both seemed so nice and now my career is ruined because of
them."  Buffy stared off into space. "God, how could I be so dense?!"

"This isn't your fault, Buffy." Willow told her.

<<'Cause it's always raining in my head
Forget all the thing's I should have said>>

"It's true, Buffy. We both screwed up, the only difference is your screw up
got plastered all over the television." Willow and Buffy glared.

"Are you trying to help?" Buffy rasped.


"Well, look at the bright side, Buffy. Now you know not to go off with some
guy just because he's cute." Willow said with an air of authority.

"I guess"\\

"Ya know, you can stop pouting anytime now." Buffy's voice drifted from the
hotel bathroom.

"I'm not pouting! I'm sulking, angrily!" Kate threw back.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Same thing!" Buffy walked out of the bathroom and
begin sifting through their closet to find a shirt. She was looking for a
certain one but didn't quite know which. "Aha!" Buffy pulled out a light pink
peasant shirt and turned around towards her sister. "Do you mind if I wear
this tonight?"

Kate looked up annoyed but, waved her hand in dismissal. "Whatever."

Buffy frowned. "You can't still be angry."

Kate titled her head in an obvious manner. "What do you think?"

"Honestly, Kate, we're going to dinner. That's it; no sexual interactions
will take place."

She nodded. "Yeah and I'm Mother Teresa, all self-actualized and shit!"

Buffy sighed and slipped the shirt over head. "Fine! Sit here and sulk all
you want. I'm going out with a really nice guy; I'll be back before eleven to
tuck you in."

"Ha, Ha! That was so funny!" Kate muttered.

She was about to make another comment when a faint knock reached their ears.
"That must be him." Buffy deduced with a smile. She walked over to the door
and swung it open; unfortunately she didn't find her date but her sister's
best friend.

"Cole." Buffy greeted.

Kate jumped out of her seat and ran to the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Buffy shook her head in annoyance and walked into the
bathroom to do a once over. Those two really needed to work out all that
sexual tension.

Kate pushed him out into the hall. "Listen, if this is about last night, I
don't want to talk about it, okay."

"Well, it is about last night and I think we should." Cole argued.

"Well, at the moment, I don't give a damn what you think."

"Ya know, maybe if you'd just--"

"Excuse me?"

Cole and Kate whirled around to face their interrupter. "Am I interrupting?"

Kate glared at Cole before she turned back to answer her sister's date. "No,
you're not."

He nodded. "Okay, so is she ready?"

Kate nodded. "Cole."


"Do you mind going in and telling Buffy her date is here?" Kate ordered more
than asked. Cole sighed angrily and pushed open the hotel door.

Kate smiled sweetly at Angel. "Let's get one thing straight; I may look small
but I will kick your ass if you so much as touch my sister in any way she
doesn't like. If you screw with her and I don't just mean literally, I will
kill you myself. Dismemberment and Evisceration included."

Angel smirked. "Is that a threat?"

"That's a promise."

Buffy breezed through the door. "You're here!" Buffy smiled and looked
between her date and her sister. "Are you ready?"

Angel lifted his glare from Kate and smiled sweetly at Buffy. "Yeah." Angel
held his hand out and Buffy trustingly grabbed it.

"You look beautiful, by the way." Angel commented.

"Thanks, so do you." Buffy blushed. "I mean, you look good too."

As they walked down the hall and out of sight Kate turned back to Cole. "I
hope you realize that I'm pissed."

"I got that." Cole sneered.

"Then what are you still doing here?"

Cole shook his head. "As I was saying, If you would just talk to me"

"Ya know, Cole, you act as if we're still together but, NEWSFLASH you dumped
me remember?! You have no say so in my personal life. You will always be my
friend but, back off!" With that Kate stomped into the room and slammed the
door behind her.

Cole stalked off, infuriated.

<< She thinks, we look at each other
Wondering what the other is thinking
But we never say a thing
And these crimes between us grow deeper>>

"I'm not sure I've ever done this before."

"No? Well, there's a first time for everything, don't ya think?"

Buffy smiled. Once they had gotten out to his car, Angel had put a blindfold
over her eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

She'd nodded, of course. For some odd reason she did trust him, a lot. "Yes."

<<I have a smile
stretched from ear to ear
to see you walking down the road>>

Fifteen minutes later and they were still driving to their destination. "Are
we going to Antarctica?"

He laughed. "It's only been fifteen minutes."

"Yeah but, you aren't the one in the blindfold, are ya?"

Angel smiled. "We're almost there."

"Huh uh"

Angel took her hand in reassurance. She didn't show her apprehension; she
covered it up with a bucket load of wit. She was unique that way, he knew.

Angel slowly turned onto a dirt road and finally came to a stop. "Are we

"Yes." Angel chuckled and walked around the car to let her out. He took her
hand and helped her out.

"Can I take it off?" She whined.

"Wait a second." Angel led her through the grass, careful to make sure she
didn't accidentally trip over something. They came to a slow stop and he
whispered in ear while slowly removing the blindfold. "Surprise"

She always came to the courts to be alone, for the solace and for the quiet
although tonight any company was welcome. Her fight with Cole earlier had
left her wired. She wasn't sure what had happened between them and at the
moment all she wanted to do was get rid of all the pent up energy.

As she walked out of the locker rooms she found the ball machine already set
up on the other side of the net. On the guard, she looked around the court
for her intruder. She had made sure that the Security Guard knew she was in
here which made her even more suspicious.

Without fault she found him, her intruder, sitting leisurely in the Umpire's
Chair. "I've always wanted to sit up here."

She smiled in spite of herself. "That's great. You feel all big and strong?"

"Actually--" He started but, climbed out of the chair and walked over to her.
"I think I might feel even more big and strong if I beat you in a match."

Kate leered at him. "Beating a girl makes you feel big and strong?"

"Beating *you* would make me feel big and strong."

Kate furrowed her brows in confusion. "Why are you being so nice to me, Alex
McKellan? Up at the gate the other day, you barely even said one word to me
and now everywhere I go I see you. Are you screwing around with me or are you
being sincere?"

<<The Space Between
The tears we cry
Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more>>

Alex stalked up to her slowly. "I'm about as sincere as you're gonna get,
Kate Summers. The only thing I can tell you about the other day at the gate
is that it was just another bad day or maybe it was something else. I'm not
one for first impressions, ya know."

Kate contemplated his speech carefully. One could never be too cautious,
right? "Listen, buddy" She smiled. "If you're gonna kick my ass in a tennis
match you're gonna have to move the ball machine first." He grinned in

<<We meet at the lights
I stare for a while
the world around us disappears>>

Her shocked gasp bounced off the trees of the small enclosure. She knew in
that moment that she had never seen anything more beautiful. Angel had laid
out a large blanket and on it sat the most stunning arrangement of picnic
food and white candles she had ever laid eyes upon.

"Angel?" She breathed. "It's so beautiful. Why--?"

Angel pulled her over to the blanket and dragged her down with him. "I kept
telling myself this was too much for a first date but, all I could think was
that this might not be enough. I just really want to impress you."

Buffy grinned widely. In fact she hadn't stopped smiling. "An impression has
been madeuma good one, too. Wow!"

Angel smiled and reached into the basket and pulled out a variety of fruit.
To which Buffy immediately grabbed. "I'm kind of hungry."

"I can tell." Angel chuckled.

They ate in silence for a long while just enjoying the other's company. As
they each finished their food, Angel leaned back against the cool Willow

"Where are you from, Angel? I mean, I know you're from Dublin, Ireland but,
who are you?"

Angel pondered the question for a moment. "I am twenty-six years old. I grew
up in Dublin, Ireland until I was fourteen. The year my parents died."

Buffy stared at him for a moment. She hadn't expected him to be so blunt. Not
until she realized his meaning. "I am twenty-two years old. I grew up in Los
Angeles, California. I've been playing tennis since I was five years old."

"My brother was eleven when our parents died and we had nowhere else to go,
not until Rupert Giles took us in. We had already been playing tennis for
years but I guess you could say he showed us the ropes." They went on like
that for hours on end, talking back and forth about their lives and about
their troubles.

<<Just you and me
on this island of hope
a breath between us could be miles>>